Page 17 of Looking Back

Matt patted my knee. “Are you ready, sugar?”

I exhaled a nervous breath. God, my heart was breaking. “Yes.”

A piece of me died as Matt pulled away from the curb.



Furious didn’t come close to how I felt after meeting with Eve’s dad. The asshole had made my girl cry for hours after we’d returned to the club. Fucking three hours!

I tossed back my whiskey and poured myself another. The bar at the club was quiet. Raul and I sat at the council’s table. He’d followed me when I stomped down the stairs. I’d convinced Eve to call her friend, Mickey. If I couldn’t comfort her, maybe her friend could.

It damn near killed me that I couldn’t make my woman feel better. Hence the bottle of Jack.

“What kind of father treats his adult daughter that way? And he dared to call me an arrogant punk. He was worse than me.”

Raul nodded. “It’s messed up.”

“She’s so upset. I couldn’t take it anymore.” I swallowed the amber liquid, but it did nothing to ease my pain. Was this how it felt to love someone? To experience their sorrow and misery too?

Raul lit a joint and passed it to me. “She’ll be okay. It’ll just take some time.”

I toked on the stick, welcoming its calming properties into my lungs, then passed it back to Raul.

“I hope you’re right.” I felt like shit for being the reason Eve had had it out with her dad. “You know, I almost left her there.” For a brief moment, I’d almost walked out without her. I’d never intended on breaking up her family. It wasn’t my “outlaw” way. It was only the three of them after Eve’s mom had died. They needed each other. Fuck. I hated myself right now.


“Yeah. At the door, I almost ran to my hog like a pussy and rode off. I couldn’t handle her tears.”

“Sounds like you love her.”


“Maybe?” Raul hiked a dark eyebrow. “So then why didn’t you leave her?”

I puffed on the joint. “Because she’s mine.”

Raul grinned.

Mickey entered the bar. “Hey, Matt.” She looked around. “I’m here to see Eve. She didn’t sound so good on the phone.”

“She’s not.” I rose from my chair. “I’m glad you came by. I don’t know how to make her feel better.”

Mickey made a sad face. “She just needs time. Don’t worry. She’s crazy about you.” She bit on her lip. “Where’s Justin?”

What fucking luck. Laura appeared with Emilee on her hip. “Who’s asking about my husband?”

Shit. I’d heard Justin and Mickey had hooked up after Eve and I left The Bullet. If that brother didn’t learn to manage his dick, he would lose his wife and daughter.

I didn’t know what to say.

“I’m Mickey, Eve’s friend. I wanted to ask him if he’d found a pearl earring at the bar. I think I lost it there.” Mickey glanced at me. She was a quick thinker to make up a story so fast.

“It’s nice to meet you, Mickey.” Laura studied her as she shifted Emilee from one hip to the other. “He’s out back, working on his bike. I’ll go ask for you.”

“I’d appreciate it. It was my nana’s.”