Page 16 of Looking Back

“Club,” Matt said, correcting him through gritted teeth. “We’re a motorcycle club, not a gang.”

Dad waved Matt off. “You’re an outlaw. It’s the same damn thing.”

“Daddy, please. Matt is a good man.”

“Has he drugged you? Threatened to kill your brother and me if you don’t stay with him?”

I jumped off the sofa, ready to leave. “How dare you say such a thing!”

Dad put his hand on his holstered gun. “Are you afraid for your life, Eve? You can tell me, honey.”

Matt took my hand. “Sit down, baby.”

“We don’t have to listen to him put you down, Matt.” Or make me feel like an idiot for choosing him. I was an excellent judge of character. Daddy usually was too. But put a leather cut on a man riding a motorcycle, and Daddy seemed to lose his mind. I knew I had something to do with it, but honestly, this reaction was over the top.

“Come on. Sit down,” Matt gently coaxed, tugging on my hand.

I dropped beside him, beyond furious with my unyielding father. His behavior hurt me deeply.

Dad shook his head in disgust. “Look at that. He’s got you trained like a puppy.”

I was speechless.

“You’re a piece of work, Hendricks. If you think for a second Eve will let a man control her, you don’t know your daughter at all.”

Daddy sat forward in his recliner. “Go to hell.”

“I’ll meet you there,” Matt shot back.

“I want you out of my house, and stay away from Eve.” Daddy stood and pointed at the door. His right hand cradled his gun as if prepared to draw it on Matt.

It was my turn to set my father straight. “If Matt isn’t welcome here, neither am I.”

“Eve, be reasonable. This man breaks the law. Being with him will put a target on your back. His enemies will come after you.”

Matt stood. “I won’t let anything happen to her.”

“You’re such an arrogant punk. Don’t you care about Eve’s safety?” Dad opened the door. “Get out.”

“Yes, more than anything.” Matt put his hand out, and I placed mine in it.

“No,” Dad growled. “She stays.”

Tears pooled in my eyes. “It’s my life, and I chose him. It’s breaking my heart to be put in this position. I always thought you were a fair and just man.”

“Eve, you’re making a huge mistake with this outlaw.”

Matt went onto the porch, still holding my hand as I stopped in front of my dad.

“Oh, Daddy, how can you be so cruel? If I am making a mistake, then it’s on me.” I sniffled as a tear rolled down my cheek. “I suspected you’d cut me out of your life, so I already packed my clothes.”

“Don’t do this, Eve. Your mother will be turning in her grave.”

“You just had to go there, didn’t you? If Momma is turning in her grave, it’s because of you.” I popped up on my toes and kissed his cheek. “Good-bye, Dad. I hope one day you can accept us.”

Matt led me to his bike. I climbed on behind him, wrapped my arms around his waist, and stared at my dad. He looked angry and sad all at once.

I was relieved Johnny hadn’t been around to witness the ugliness. He was a loyal brother and son, but I had a feeling he would’ve sided with me. I didn’t want my dad to feel ganged up on or like he’d lost everything. Although, he probably did as he watched me.