He laughed darkly at that. Because honestly, who was he kidding? He was still fucking there, trudging around in the dark. He’d never left.

He still hurt so bad. To the point that he’d deleted all Breck’s texts, not even wanting to read them. All it would do was bring back the memory of him with those half-naked girls.

Jaw tight, he boxed up the rest of the tumblers, then closed up the flaps and carried it into the living room. Several other boxes were already stacked on a dolly, waiting to be transported to the parking lot, then loaded into the trunks of both his and Scott’s cars. He set it atop the others and grabbed another empty one. Just a couple more areas in the kitchen and then that room would be done.

Returning to the galley, he sank to his haunches in front of the cabinet housing cookware, but as he pulled out a frying pan, the memory of Tuesday night swiftly surfaced in his head. When he’d cooked for Breck. When they’d eaten together. The chemistry between them had been so easy. Sogood.

Another pang lanced through his chest. That night had been the beginning of his change of heart. When he’d let himself believe in possibilities. When he’d allowed himself to entertain the notion of a true connection. Smirking sardonically, he shook his head at his stupidity, and—

A knock at the front door interrupted his thoughts.

He glanced in its direction, then toward Tad’s bedroom down the hall.


Pushing back to his feet, he turned off his tunes and made his way to the foyer, gave the doorknob a crank to the right and quickly opened things up.


Breck. Frozen, and staring back at him, his expression that of absolute and utter surprise. “Kai… What’reyoudoing here?”

Kai donned his cool façade, even as his heart thumped hard as hell in his chest. “I told Scott I’d help him move Tad over to his place.”

“Oh.” Breck’s gaze flicked past him into the apartment. “I… Uh… I told Tad the same.”


Kai smiled tightly. “I guess that means I should probably let you in.” Stepping back, he gestured for Breck to enter.

Breck stepped inside, then peered around with a frown. “Is Tad even here?”

Kai glanced down the hall as he closed the door. “Yeah. They’re packing up Tad’s bathroom. They’ll be out in a minute.”Or maybe closer to thirty.

Breck nodded and shoved his hands in his pockets. Shifted his weight, seemingly unable to meet Kai’s gaze.

Understandable, considering what he’d been up to last night.

Thing was, he looked more than just guilty. He looked like… well, likeroyalshit. Kai regarded him. Dark smudges under his eyes, skin pasty, t-shirt wrinkled. Like he’d grabbed it off the floor before heading out. Which made sense in the scheme of things. That’s what people did when hungover as hell.

Kai struggled to keep his face impassive, memories of Breck and those girls surging straight to the fore. “Anyway,” he muttered. “I’ve got stuff I’m doing, so…” He turned toward the kitchen.

King Breck could entertain himself.

“Kai, wait.”

Kai clenched his jaw and briefly closed his eyes. He didn’t want to wait. He wanted to put as much distance between them as humanly possible. Just Breck being so close was physically paining him.

He paused and turned his head Breck’s way. His expression must’ve been harsh because Breck held up his hands in an I-mean-no-harm gesture.

What an ironythatwas.

Kai would have laughed if his heart wasn’t squeezing so hard.

“Look,” Breck started. “I know what you saw last night… and I know how it looked, but… it wasn’t what you think.”

Kai turned back to him and crossed his arms, incredulous. And there came the laugh. A dark, humorless chuckle up the back of his throat. “So youweren’tsprawled out drunk on the couch?”

Breck rubbed his nape and winced a little. “Ah… No… I was.”