“Hm. Then I guess what you’re referring to is the part with those two girls. You know, the one with her tongue in your mouth, and the other who was grinding against you like a cat in heat—”

“I wasn’t awake!” Breck blurted. “I was completely passed out.”

Kai stilled. Closed his mouth and just stared at him. Was Breck seriously trying to lie his way out of this? Except… a tiny niggle rose up in the recesses of his mind. Reflecting back, Breckhadn’tbeen moving on that couch. Not even a little. And that one girlhadbeen holding his hands plastered to her tits.

He frowned, reluctant to hope. After all of Breck’s bullshit, he refused to play the fool one more time. “Convenient excuse,” he muttered, determined to maintain indifference.

“I swear to God!” Breck insisted. Then just like that, his expression turned grim. “I… drank as much as I could…intentionally… to knock myself out.”

What the hell?

Kai openly scowled. “And, what, you think that makes what happened somehowbetter?”

“Versus meconsciouslyallowing those chicks to molest me?Yes!” Breck looked beside himself.

Kai exhaled harshly, a part of him relieved, the other even more pissed than before.

“Look…” Breck dragged a hand down his face. “I was upset. Couldn’t deal with the atmosphere… and people kept hounding me and… I didn’t have my ride back so I couldn’t just leave—”

“Jesus, Breck,” Kai ground out. “Do you evenhearyourself? I mean, I know you’re on edge about the Draft and what happened to your car, but you can’t just—”

“It wasn’t about that stuff!” Breck’s raw gaze locked hard with his. “It was aboutyou, Kai. I was upset about my situation withyou.”

Kai’s chest squeezed tighter.

He couldn’t cave. Hewouldn’tcave.

The choices Breck had made last night were, yet again, downright abysmal.

Breck swallowed. Palmed the top of his head. “I didn’twantto drink. But I couldn’t stop thinking about you and everything that’s happened and… God, I just needed a break from my own damn head.”

Kai sighed, for once completely relating. But even as his heart wavered, his mind and his pride demanded he stand his ground. Despite what Breck claimed, what happened last night was still completely fucked up. He couldn’t afford to second guess his instincts yet again.

“Word to the wise, Breck. Stop trying to evade all your problems. No amount of sex or alcohol will keep them away forever.”

“I know. You’re totally right. I’m gonna turn a new leaf. I swear it.” Breck held his gaze and softened his voice. “Can we be cool again?”

Kai wished they could, he genuinely did. Problem was, he didn’t believe that Breck would actually change. At least, not in the ways Kai needed.

He inclined his head. “Yes, in respect to not being angry with each other. But other than that…” He exhaled and looked away.

Breck stifled a groan. “But you still want this. Iknowyou do. You came to my place last night for a reason. You were looking forme.”

Kai couldn’t deny that. Didn’t even try. “I guess you could say I’ve had a change of heart.”

“Kai,” Breck murmured dejectedly. “I wasn’twiththose girls.”

Kai looked back at him. “Are you implying you thought everything was goodbeforeI saw the three of you on that couch?”

“No,” Breck conceded. “I need to change some shit. I know this. Need to reel in the drinking and get a handle on my life.” His eyes turned heartfelt as he held Kai’s gaze. “What I said the other night… I was just pissed. You’renotlike the others. You’re so much better, and—”

“Breck, don’t.” Kai shook his head. “I’m not interested in where you’re trying to go with this. Last night… maybe I thought I was, but I was wrong.” Holding Breck’s gaze, he forced out the words. “We’re not right for each other.”

Breck lifted his chin stubbornly. “That’s subjective.”

Kai smiled sadly. “I’m not the kind of man who likes to share—”

“I’m not asking you to.”