Jegs groaned, his muscles flexing.

“Come on.” She rocked her ass impatiently.

Ashton eased out just enough to give Jegs room to thrust. “Yeah, Jegs,” he murmured, his timbre thick. “Little Joanie’s waiting. Let’sfuckin’go.”

Jegs rumbled, then just like that, fell into pounding. His hips slamming forward, then launching back to stuff his ass full of meat. Joanie’s cries rose up, coming loud and fast, drowning out not just the music, but both guys’ mindless moans.

Breck’s body tightened at the mesmerizing sight. Two powerful men in their sexual prime feverishly getting it on. He’d thought sex with women was hot, but this was off the charts.

Ashton paused and wrenched Jegs’ head for another heated kiss.

Breck looked away.Mostdefinitelytime to go.

These two were making him crazy for the same kind of intimacy. Not just the sex, but the whole damn package. Hands, mouths, and tongues, too. All with the man down the street.

As soon as Jegs and fuckboy got back to, well, fucking, Breck would make his escape, then go and confront said ‘man just down the street.’ If he was lucky, they’d end up like these three—minus the oblivious chick.

Jegs’ hips rocked faster, as if that kiss was seriously turning him on. Ashton responded and fell back to delving in deep. Muffled moans around their tangling tongues.

A split second later, Jegs broke the kiss. “Shit— I’m gonna come—”

“No!” Joanie cried. “Not yet!” Her hand shot between her legs and started fingering her clit.

Ashton groaned between pants. “Fuck— Me, too—”

Oh, God.Yeah,absolutelytime to get the fuck gone.

Under no circumstances whatsoever did Breck want to witness Jegs bust a nut. They may be close, but they weren’tthatclose. Although, fuckboy Ashton was admittedly pretty hot…

Wouldn’t exactly mind watchinghimblow his load.

Breck scowled and squeezed his eyes shut.Come on, man, focus!

Heart pounding, dick more than a little bit hard, he inched as fast as he could toward his chest of drawers. Soundlessly, he grasped his key fob—not that anyone would’ve heard him over Joanie’s mindless wails. She was getting pretty close, going by those decibels she was throwing. Then again, so were the cohorts, by the looks of their heaving chests.

Move your ass, Harland!

Breck anxiously slinked toward the exit.

Careful! Don’t move too fast!

He was in their periphery. Any sudden movements and the jig would be up.

He reached the door and quietly grabbed the knob, their cacophony of cries and urgent shouts hitting a fevered pitch.

“Yessssss!” Joanie screamed, flying over the edge.

Jegs slammed to the hilt with an avid curse, and then so did Ashton.

Go, go, go!

Breck pulled opened the door, slid out, then quickly shut it behind him, making sure it waslatchedthis time—like a person who had fucking brains.

You’re welcome, Jegs. And thanks for the show.

All things considered, it’d been a scorcher through and through.

Adjusting his bulge, he hustled down the hallway, then hit the stairs. Just needed to reach the foyer before anyone spotted him and tried to intercept. Boisterous laughter resounded. Music pulsed through the walls. Another round of beer pong going strong, punctuated with cheers.