Breck ducked out the door.Coast still clear.

He headed for his car, rain pelting his head, his face, his shoulders, as he closed the distance.

His heart thumped, his body vibrating. He needed to see Kai again something fierce. Thanks to Jegs and company, he was even more keyed up than he’d been before.

He reached his car. Pulled open the door and slid inside. Fired up the engine, clicked on his seatbelt, and then turned on the wipers. He was buzzed, but he could totally drive. Just a couple blocks over. Nothing to it. A piece of cake.

Putting it in drive, he gazed out the windshield toward Kai’s apartment.

Fuck, please be home.


Closing his eyes, Kai breathed in slowly, deeply, his legs crossed as he sat atop the mat in his meditation garden. He’d arrived home over an hour ago, having left The District right after wrapping up his show.

He hadn’t been feeling it, hadn’t wanted to linger. In truth, he’d been on edge, the entire exhibition having reminded him of his practice session with Breck. Which on its own wouldn’t have been a bad thing. What they’d done together had been incredible. It’d been the following night’s turn of events that had tainted the memory.

Talk about a slap of reality. Like the universe had all but backhanded him to wake him up. To see what was happening, what he was ignoring. His growing attachment to someone who’d never openly behis man.Someone who lived for fame and was ruled by fear. Who’d fight to defend his worth in the public eye.

Kai’s chest clenched even as he continued his breath work, his hair down and still damp from a recent shower. As soon as he’d returned home, he’d ditched his garb, turned down the lights, lit some candles and incense, and then headed for the garden. His intention, to ground himself with tai chi. Releasing restless energy via the slow, controlled movements of martial arts. His focus trained solely on his body instead of his mind.

Despite his efforts, his thoughts had persisted, circling back to things like the text message Breck had sent him earlier on that day. He’d wanted to talk. Kai hadn’t been ready, though. Not then, and not even now. Was still too raw about what had transpired and his following conclusion.

It hadn’t taken long to recognize that tai chi wasn’t going to cut it. So, he’d turned to water, the elements, to try to anchor himself. His shower was long and hot, and soothed his muscles, but just like tai chi, was unsuccessful in bringing him back to center.

Hence the reason he now sat with eyes closed, attempting to focus on his breathing. When all else failed, meditation was always a quality standby. Where one withdrew to take a mental timeout. Clearly, he needed a break from his head. To become a mere observer of his rampant thoughts.

Slow, deep inhale… Hold… Unhurried release…

Clear the mind…

In the back of his awareness, rain pattered on the windowpanes.

Thunder rumbled.

Kai observed his thoughts as one would regard a stream of traffic. Perched on a hillside beside the road, acknowledging each vehicle but not engaging, not grabbing hold. No applying meaning or even judgment. Just observing. Letting each thought pass and be on its way.

Inhaling slowly… Filling the belly…


Exhale… Relaxing the body…

His tension ebbed, his shoulders easing—

Ding dong!

Kai stilled and opened his eyes, muscles tensing right back up again.

Shit. Only one person would show up unannounced at this time of night.

His heart lurched as his stomach twisted warily.

Frowning, he rose to his feet.

Seeing Breck again would feel like heaven, but saying what had to be said was going to suck worse than hell.

He strode to the security panel and pushed the camera-feed button. Breck, directly in view, hands braced on either side of the door.