Breck watched him, as if trying to read his expression.

Kai smiled and murmured, “Remi’s very obedient and always well behaved.”

Breck shuttered his expression, but couldn’t mask that look of concern. “Do you like him?”

Kai’s heart thumped. Breck wanted to know if he’d played with his model like he’d played with him.

Kai paused, waiting for the thrill of satisfaction. Instead, an eddy of warmth swirled deep inside. He didn’t want to leave Breck hanging anymore. He wanted to tell him the truth. “As a person,” he answered. “But nothing more.”

Breck’s shoulders eased. Kai regarded him, bemused, wondering in earnest why he seemed to care. Breck had plenty of playthings at his disposal, and—Damn. Kai suddenly didn’t want to think about that notion. At all. Which was absurd. It didn’t concern him who Breck fucked. Shouldn’t bother him in the slightest that his dick was probably out of his pants more than it was in.

Unease filled Kai’s gut. Next thing he knew, he was asking his own questions. “And how about your night? How was Georgetown with your friends?”

Breck made a face, one that didn’t look all that happy. “It was fine.”

Kai lifted a brow. “Just fine?”

“I mean… No, it was cool.” Breck rubbed his head and chuckled. “Just drank too much and paid the price.”

“You do that a lot, I’m noticing.”

Breck shot him a look, then gestured to himself. “Hello.Frat boy. Besides, I think I earned the right to celebrate. I’ve only justgraduated college.”

Kai nodded. “I agree. That was a huge accomplishment. And most definitely deserves something special in honor of the occasion. But you drink yourself into oblivion nearly every day. So how exactly is that special?”

Breck scowled and looked away. “The point is… I was doing something Ienjoyin celebration. Also known as partying.”

Kai shrugged. “Fair enough.” Not a philosophy he subscribed to, nor a perspective he found attractive. But again, Breck wasn’t a prospect... He took a bite. “So, was Scott there? With Tad?”

Breck seemed to ease. “Yeah. He was designated driver… I like that guy.” He smiled. “He’s good for Tad. I hope they stick.”

“Me, too.” And Kai meant it. He’d known Scott for years, but he’d never seen him as happy as he was now, with Tad. “What about Ned?” he ventured next. “Did he bring a date?”

Breck coughed out a laugh. “Hell, no. That would’ve defeated his whole agenda for the night.”

“Ah. He likes to play the field.”

“Yeah.” Breck grinned, shaking his head. A very clear fondness emanated from his eyes.

Kai regarded him. “You two are close.”

“Since the start of high school.”

Kai did the math. College VIP out on the town with his closest friend. Both handsome as hell, getting overly drunk—no doubt, with a throng of equally inebriated women. “You two must’ve had quite a time juggling all the ladies.”

Shameless fishing, but Breck had just done the same.

Breck shrugged a little. “It’s easier to keep a low profile with this group of friends.”

Kai chuckled, determined to sound indifferent, even though his insides felt anything but calm. “And that means what, you scored slightly less than you typically would? On graduation night? I find that hard to believe. Or maybe you fuck even more than you drink, so it’s not all that special.”

Breck stiffened. “Bite me. I didn’t get laid.”

Kai quirked a brow. “Not even a quickie in the bathroom or something?”

“Oh.” Breck laughed sardonically. “You mean, like whatyoudid with Scott?”

Kai stilled, then threw on a poker face. “That wasn’t what you thought.”