“Right.” Breck’s following laugh sounded strained. “’Cause there’s just so many things two guys can do in a stall.”

“I told you, I was showing him something.”

“Uh huh.” Breck leveled him with a look. “Something down yourpants. Man, you were zipping up yourfly.Correct me if I’m wrong but, aside from underwear, there’s only one thing down there. Something you said was exceptionally large and”—he made finger quotes—“exotic.”

Kai laughed, remembering Breck’s reaction. Deliciously exasperated. And so adorably flustered. He’d wanted to eat him up. “While what you’re assuming it wasisall those things, whatIwas referring to wasn’tthat.”

Breck’s expression said‘do I look like an idiot?’

Kai smiled, amused, and shook his head. “It’s a tattoo.”

Breck stilled. Then lifted his brows. “Wait. Are you serious?”

Kai grinned. “I offered to show you.” He reached for his waistband. “And that offer still stands.”

Breck shook his head, tamping a laugh, and averted his gaze.

Kai sighed dramatically. “Alas, your loss. It’s quite the masterpiece.”

“Uh huh,” Breck mumbled. “A sight to behold.” His cheeks looked flushed.

Kai wondered if he was envisioning a peek down his pants.

His body tightened as he envisioned that, too. He could all butfeelBreck’s smoldering gaze sliding over his dick...

Tugging on his collar, he reached for his tea. “What else did you do this weekend?”

Breck took another bite, but then frowned. “Went to my parents’,” he muttered, chewing. “That was fun.”

“You don’t get along?”

“It’s not that. My dad’s just… relentless. Like some nightmarish manager that I can’t fucking fire.”

Kai frowned. “My condolences.”

“Thanks.” Breck exhaled. And for a moment, it looked like he was going to vent. At the very last second though, he seemed to stop himself. “Anyway, then I hung out with Ned at the fitness facility.Playing racquetball.” His tone sounded grim. “Which was damn near as torturous as my visit with Dad.”

Kai laughed. “Why? I thought you liked sports.”

“Let’s just say I wasn’t feeling so hot.”

Kai frowned. He’d gotten drunk on Saturday, too? “Your poor liver.”

Breck shot him a glare. “Really? You’re gonna ride my ass like my old fucking man?”

Kai held up his hands. “I didn’t mean to offend.”

Breck clenched his jaw, then closed his eyes and exhaled slowly. “Sorry. I’m being a dick. I’m just… God, so stressed out all the time.” He met Kai’s gaze and feigned a half-hearted smile. “My liver’s great. It’s not that big of a deal.”

Kai nodded and resumed his meal.

Silence lingered. But then he sensed it; Breck’s tension dissipating as his headspace cleared.

His gaze slid back and settled on Kai’s face, those eyes like pools of chocolate reflecting the evening sun. Seeping in and filling Kai’s chest. Inundating his soul. Which shouldn’t make sense. Breck shouldn’t affect him so completely. But in this moment, Kai couldn’t find a reason to care. He’d relish the sensation while it lasted, then let it go.

Breck cleared his throat. “So, that guy you moved to New York with… Why’d he bail?”

Kai slowed in his chewing. Not exactly a subject he wanted to discuss.