He wanted to see him again. And take him up on his offer. To be daring and bold in the face of uncharted territory. And hopefully, in the process, he’d gain some peace of mind. Kai claimed his model interactions were strictly platonic, but Breck just couldn’t grasp how such a thing was even possible. Kai had to touch them, after all, in intimate regions. His skilled fingers sliding all over their skin. Masterfully and methodically binding them in provocative positions.

How the hell could that not be sexual? Yet Kai seemed confident that once Breck saw, he’d understand.

And currently, Breckreallywanted to understand.

Which,ugh, was beyond lame. Why should he care?

He held no claim. Kai wasn’t his man—nor did Breck want him to be.

Or, at least, he didn’tthinkhe did…

What’s more, why was Kai making such an effort to reassure him?

It made no sense. Because, again, they weren’ttogether. It wasn’t Kai’s problem what Breck had going all up in his head. He didn’t care how Breck felt, either way.

Or, at least, Breck didn’tthinkhe cared…

He pondered that deeper.

In hindsight, some of Kai’s actionsdidraise a few suspicions, this invite to The District to reassure Breck absolutely being one of them.

Exhaling, he ran a hand down the back of his skull. Kai was complicating his life at a time when he couldn’t afford it. And yet Breck’s dumb-fuck ass didn’t want it any other way.

His heart thumped. His stomach twisted and turned.

He shook off his thoughts—and found Tad quietly watching.

“Everything okay?”

“Sure.” Breck nodded. “Absolutely. Of course.”

“And you’resurethere’s not some person bouncing around inside your brain?” Tad was studying him now, suspiciously, his expression almost comical.

Breck’s lips twitched, even as he yearned to be straight with his friend. To tell him the truth. If only he knew what exactly that was. Was this thing with Kai just a phase? Just a part of him wanting to sow his wild oats while he could?

He didn’t think so, but then, he’d never been in this situation. No guy had ever affected him the way Kai had. But if he was wrong and it was just a phase? And he’d spilled all the sordid little details to Tad? Then all that’d do is underscore his promiscuity. That his dick was an equal opportunity provider. That he’d one-and-done virtually anyone, irrespective of their gender.

Yeah, not exactly the kind of light he wanted his buddy to view him in.

Forcing a smirk, he stretched his arms out to his sides. “Have you forgotten who you’re talking to? King Breck of the court. The only thingall up in my headis the fucking Draft. Besides, the pickings are always plentiful. The ladies come to me and, if I’m feeling it, I partake. Then I send them on their way. That’s how I roll.”

Tad’s lips quirked. “That’s right. What was I thinking? Breck the Unattainable. Nobody’s breakin’ your stride.”

“Damn straight.” Breck grinned, smoothing a hand along the side of his skull. “This man’s got plans. Head in the game. Eyes on theprize.”

Tad’s expression softened into the smile of a friend. “Yeah, but that prize… Will it hold you close and keep you warm at night? Will it love you?”

Breck looked at him, not sure how to answer. He sobered. “That’s not what I’m looking for. And the ladies warm my bed just fine.”

“Right.” Tad nodded. “Stardom. That’s your endgame. I get that. And you’ve earned it. But… are you sure that’s gonna make youhappy? It might get lonely up there at the top. Groupies don’t count inthatarena. Which I’m sure you know.” He dunked some fries in ketchup, then shoved them into his mouth.

Breck went quiet, unprepared for this turn in discussion.

“I’m just saying,” Tad continued as he chewed. “If I were in your shoes, I’d wanna take Scott along. Someone who matters to me, to share my life and successes with.”

Breck frowned, but didn’t reply. In all honesty, he was kind of at a loss for words. Tad had inadvertently just called him out, and every cell in Breck’s body knew it.

Feigning boredom, he shrugged again. “Who knows. Maybe. If the right person came along.”