A sentiment that felt awesome to say, but also really horrible. Because, sure, he could entertain that prospect, but that didn’t make it realistically attainable. Truth was—or rather,reality dictated—that even if hedidwant someone like Kai, it could never happen.

Hell, even Tad had just assessed as much in so many words. Someone as high profile as Breck? At such a critical time? He could never go public about his orientation right now. That’d incur the wrath of society. Which, by default and association, would also rain down on Kai.

Tad looked appeased—but then eyed Breck more closely. “You don’t look happy again. You sure you’re okay?” He glanced at Breck’s plate and frowned. “Dude. You haven’t even touched your food.”

Breck sighed and shook off his thoughts. Sat straighter and cleared his throat. “Nah, man. I’m good. Just a little hungover… And truth be told, all kinds of stressed the fuck out.”

“Basketball shit?”

“Yeah,” he muttered. “As soon as we’re back from Hawaii, it’s balls to the wall. Commitments and obligations out the ass. Won’t have a second to breathe.”

Tad nodded sympathetically, then pointed a fry at him. “Well then, you know what that means. You gotta pack in as much fun now, before the crazy begins.”

Tad was right. Yet again. And Breck knew it. The time to enjoy himself was right fucking now. He’d deal with all the crazy when the crazy arrived.

“You know what, Mitchel?” He smiled. “I couldn’t agree more.”

He’d earned what Tad was prescribing. One grandiose shebang. One last hoorah. And now, thanks to Tad and their talk, he knew exactly what he was going to do.


King Breck:

What’s good, Kai


Your majesty. How’s the kingdom?

King Breck:

Great. Wine’s plentiful and my

faithful subjects vast.


Such splendor.

King Breck:

Yup, most days it’s pretty sweet.


So what can I do for you?

King Breck:

Was thinking about taking you

up on your offer.


Regarding The District?

King Breck: