Breck chewed his lip. Rocked his hips. Glanced away. Then looked back at Kai. “And… I’m thinking we should totally fuck.”

Kai’s brows popped up. Although, he supposed he shouldn’t be surprised. He’d worked Breck’s novice body into quite the state. Still, Breck’s request had him instantly warring, his mind holding two very conflicting stances on the matter. On the one hand, he was so aroused that to fuck Breck, to push inside his depths, would be like heaven on Earth. But was he willing to give that part ofhimself? To transition from erotic playtime to an intimate exchange? Because sex involved way more than just taking. It also involved giving. Whether one intended it or not.

There was an exchange. Of sexual energy. Of soul-deep prana.

A part of himself that he hadn’t shared with anyone since… since Ryan.

And wasn’t Breck, in many ways, just Ryan 2.0?

Kai’s heart thumped restlessly as he studied Breck’s face. As he consciously tapped into his auric field. Like always, Breck didn’tfeellike Ryan, despite their many similar surface traits. He felt cleaner, believe it or not. Purer of heart. Unlike the vibes Kai’s ex had constantly thrown. Vibes that, time and time again, Kai had chosen to ignore.

Not that fucking Breck would make them something they weren’t. Real lovers versus this make-believe façade. No, he didn’t have to worry about that. After his trip, Breck was headed off for bigger things. Fame and fortune in the NBA. Leaving and never looking back.

Something squeezed in Kai’s chest at the thought. The notion of never seeing Breck again made him… sad. A truth he wasn’t ready to digest. A situation he’d been determined not to create.


For Breck.

Goddamn it.

Breck shifted in his binds, intently watching him, looking restless.

And that was all it took for something inside Kai to yield. To completely succumb to that entreaty in Breck’s gorgeous eyes.

Yes. Kai would do this. Tonight. Because he hadn’t been with a man like this for entirely too long. Domming, after all, didn’t count when you never actually had sex.

Yes. He could afford it. This once.Wouldafford it. As an indulgence to himself. Breck’s mouth had made him crazy. He could still feel his lips on his cock. He wanted him so bad. And had worked him so hard. God knew, he’d certainly earned something nice in return. And Breck’s strong body would certainly hit the spot. Few men had ever appealed to him more.

Yes. God help him, but yes. His heart thumped excitedly as his dick roared in triumph. Breck—quite possibly the best mistake he’d ever make.

“Hmm…” he rumbled softly. “Are you sure? As you’ve already noted, I’m a bit more substantial than my trio of balls.”

Breck grinned a little, so beautifully flushed. “Yeah, I’m sure.” His gaze locked hungrily on Kai’s lips. “Just… go easy at first. You know… until you’ve broken me in.”


Kai couldn’t stop the growl from forming. Gripping his cock, still partially in his shorts, he gave it a rub. Pleasure sizzled through his body. He could come from pure expectation of burying his cock inside Breck’s tight, supple body.

“Suit yourself,” he murmured, his voice thick. “And yes, I promise to go easy. But only, as you say, until I’ve broken you in.”

— FIVE —

Breck couldn’t believe they were going to do this. That Kai hadagreedto do this. Because while the guy never minded toying with Breck’s body, he always seemed reluctant to add his own to the mix. Breck, ever bound and unable to touch him. The most he’d ever gotten, the fleeting brush of his bound hands against Kai’s cock.

But now Kai was going togivehim that cock. And Breck was elated about that, but also nervous. It’d been so long since he’d been taken by a guy. He missed that kind of exchange so much. But it’d always been too risky, and honestly, few guys at school truly turned him on. Which absolutely wasn’t the case with Kai. He wanted Kai with an intensity he’d never felt before. For a guyora girl.

Socrates never got him this fucking horny. And none of his lady conquests could hold a candle. The craziest thing though; he’d wanted to get with Kai since the very first moment he saw him. Lust at first sight. And it never faltered, even when Kai seriously pissed him off.Even then, he’d still wanted to get with the man. It’d just irritated him that he did. Visions of hot, rough, angry sex though, always tempered his ire.

Now, however, it was finally going to happen.

In a much more preferable setting.

Not that angry sex didn’t sound incredible.

But goddamn, the way Kai’d just been working him? He was ready to lose his ever-loving mind. In the most upside-down, fucked up, blissful sort of way. Those balls had been insane. Taking him apart in a way he’d never known possible. He’d come so fucking hard in his ass it’d nearly fried his brain. But now, his dick… Holy fuck. It needed to blow so impossibly bad. Erupting with Kai buried inside him was going to be incredible.

The music transitioned to yet another tune.