Mesmerizing. Seductive. Oozing nothing but raw, hot, unrelenting sex.

Body reeling, Breck gazed down at Kai’s face. The sun had nearly set and now candlelight illuminated his handsome features. So enamoring, like some dark, ethereal god. With his gorgeous black hair spread like a halo around his head. Those glittering onyx eyes drawing him in. It was all Breck could do not to worship him right then and there.

Kai’s lips curved, all lawless and sexy. Then he reached for his shorts and slid them off.

Both of them, finally naked. Breck remembered Kai’s beautiful cock, and the way it’d fit so perfectly in his mouth. The first dick he’d ever tasted. And it’d tasted amazing. The experience, incredible. He wanted to do it again. Very soon. With Kai.

Unable to help it, he peered down at said cock again, all long and thick, jutting from Kai’s strong, lean— “Whoa. Holy shit,” he blurted. Lips falling open, he stared at the most captivating tattoo he’d ever seen. One that’d been hidden by Kai’s shorts just moments earlier. A sleek, wingless Eastern dragon spanning from his hip, down the front of his thigh. Midnight green with accents of gold, the thing was absolutely stunning, moving with every shift of Kai’s muscular leg. Impossibly striking. Exquisitely exotic. Flanking Kai’s cock like some majestic sentry. Breck couldn’t pull his eyes away. Wanted to touch it, to trace its body, finger every single gleaming scale.

“Mm, you’ve spotted my companion.” A hint of amusement laced Kai’s voice.

“It’s… Wow. It’s seriously awesome.”

“Yes. And what I’d been showing Scott at the club.”

Breck could feel his cheeks heating again, remembering how confident he’d been that Kai had been doing somethingelse.

Kai reached for his shorts. Pulled a condom from hissmall pocket wallet. Rip and roll. Down the length of his cock. Then he went for more lube and poured some into his palm. He rubbed his hands together and then grabbed his dick. With slow, lazy strokes, he slicked it up.

The sight was spellbinding. Breck’s own dick pulsed in response, his whole body buzzing with potent need, even despite his full awareness of Kai’s imposing size. Could he handle him? Would it hurt like hell?

Breck tried to remember how it’d been with Socrates. The first time, he’d admittedly been trashed, which had dampened his body’s sensory receptors for sure. The pain from that experience he’d felt mostly later, when he’d woken in the morning not just hungover, but with an aching ass.

And man, had he been sore. Hadn’t walked right for days—to Socrates’ great amusement. To his credit though, after that he’d made an effort to prepare Breck more in advance. But honestly, Breck had been wasted those times, too. It was the way of life in a frat house. A code of sorts, to be perpetually drunk. So fortunately, sex had never been overly uncomfortable. At least notduringthe act when he’d been thoroughly ripped. Then again, Kai was larger than Socrates.

By quite a lot.

As if reading his mind, Kai rumbled, “Don’t worry,jeja. I’m going to get you nice and ready for my cock.” Pouring more lube in his palm, he dipped his fingers, then rubbed the remainder on his chiseled abs. Breck eyed them, wishing he could touch them. Feel their curves. Kai reached behind Breck’s nuts again and slicked his backdoor. Breck shivered, never tiring of that sensation. Didn’t matter if it was a finger or Kai’s wicked tongue.

Although in fairness, Kai’s tonguehadblown his freaking mind. No joke. His brain had damn near short circuited. His very first rim job—while he’d been coming in his ass. But Kai’s finger, that teasing finger, was a weapon in its own right. Turning Breck’s sanity inside out with just the subtlest touch.

Kind of like it was doing now, as Kai stroked his backdoor in little circles.

Breck bit back his umpteenth moan.

“Push against me,” Kai murmured.

Breck bore down. Then grunted with a start as Kai pushed two through.

“Good.” Kai slowly sank them deeper. Breck shifted against his advance, attempting to accommodate the girth. When Kai buried them fully, he growled in approval, then set in to pumping. Unhurriedly. In and out.

Breck bit his lower lip and closed his eyes.So good.

“Look at me,jeja.” Kai crooked his fingers. Rubbed Breck’s super-sensitized prostate with sinful precision.

Breck inhaled sharply, eyes snapping to attention.

Holding his gaze, Kai added a third and eased back in. Breck winced. And just like that, all three were buried to the hilt.

“So snug,” Kai noted huskily, his voice like velvet. He kept things still. “How’re you holding up?”

Breck canted his hips, his asshole straining. He felt so stretched. “Okay,” he rasped. “Yeah… I think I’m good.”

Kai regarded him as if assessing things for himself, then fell into gliding his little trio in and out. “Mmm… Love the feel of your body. All gripping my fingers just like a tight little fist.”

Breck groaned in erotic discomfort. More decadent stretching as Kai withdrew then advanced. Not to mention the way that wicked little threesome kept on nudging his G. Shuddering, he exhaled a moan. “That feels amazing...”

Eyes hooded, Kai smiled. “I think you’re ready.” He reached for the remote and, just like that, Breck was lowering down. When their bodies made contact, Kai shut the hoist back off. “I like this,” he mused. “The weight of your body.” He ditched the remote and stroked Breck’s legs. “It feels good.”