Kai quirked a brow. “Did you just pay me a compliment?”

A smile tugged at Breck’s lips. “And now I’m about to take it back.”

Kai chuckled. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to keep it. Although, I’m getting the feeling you’re using my ‘look’ as a distraction.” He motioned to his dashboard. “Has running my radio stopped doing the trick?”

Breck’s expression turned boyishly sheepish. He’d been fiddling with Kai’s stereo since they first set off. Jumping from song to song. Station to station. His nervous energy like an entity all its own. “I’m stressed, okay? There. I said it. This public shit goes against every instinct I’ve ever fucking had.”

“You don’t say,” Kai murmured.

Breck eyed him. “You’resurethis is safe?”

“Yes.” Kai’d promised to keep his identity concealed, and he’d meant it. With efforts that extended past just hiding Breck’s face, like taking careful note of even the length of Breck’s sleeves. Making certain beyond a shadow of a doubt that they’d hide his tattoo.

Granted, if Breck were taller, Kai would’ve taken greater measures, anticipating his looming height to draw substantial attention. But Breck was the shortest on his basketball team. At six-foot-three, he was comparable to Kai in height. Which was a pretty common stature at The District and shouldn’t attract anyone’s notice.

Nevertheless, he tacked on some things he deemed important. “Just keep your hood on… And refrain from talking to others.”

Breck stilled. “Wait. No talking to others?”

“Someone might recognize your voice.”

He frowned at that and then nodded, still looking wary.

“You’ll be fine.” Kai palmed his thigh. Stroked his thumb back and forth.

Breck’s knees parted wider in response. But then Breck scowled and readjusted his package. “What about my boner? Will this ever go down?”

Kai chuckled. “Most likely not.”

Breck groaned and dropped his head back.

Kai laughed. “Don’t worry. You’ll be in the majority. Erections are just as much a staple there as combat boots.”

They arrived downtown less than twenty minutes later, then closed in on The District not too long after that.

Breck scanned the streets, looking wholly disturbed. “Jesus. This part of town looksseedy as fuck.”

Kai turned into the parking garage. “Part of the ambiance.”

Breck coughed a laugh. “If I get jumped—and have to go to the ER in this jacked up shit—I’m tellin’ you right fuckin’ now, I’m kicking your ass.”

Kai snickered and rounded the bend toward reserved parking, then pulled his Exorcist into a well-lit spot. “As if you could ever kick my ass.” Breck cut him a glare. Kai laughed and shut off the engine. “Not that I’d let anyone touch one hair on your head.” He glanced at Breck’s closely shorn skull and smirked. “Although, I suppose that aspect’s covered.”

“Har, har. You’re a fuckin’ comedian.”

But then Kai sobered and met his gaze. “I wouldn’t, though. Let anyone hurt you.”

Breck regarded him, his demeanor shifting, although Kai suspected it wasn’t due to his reassuring words. Rather, he sensed his low, protective timbre had just turned Breck on.

Breck shuttered his expression. “Whatever, Conan. I wasplayin’. I don’t need your protection.”

Hmm. Back to macho posturing.

Kai couldn’t help wondering if it was because they were back out in the open. Breck’s subconscious mind on high alert and back to hyperaware.

Right on cue, two guys strolled past Kai’s window.Breck stiffened, then scrambled to quickly pull on his hood. “Hurry,” he blurted. “Buckle me up.”

Kai sighed and fastened the strap behind his head. It’d been ages since he’d been in public with someone of this mentality.