Breck sat back, looking all kinds of rigid. Kai gave him a minute to come back to center and find his bearings. Breck rubbed his thighs. Took deep breaths. Fooled with his mask. Tugged on his shorts again, then did the same with his sleeve. The right one covering his tat.

Kai smiled and gripped his nape. “You’re gonna be fine.”

Breck turned and held his gaze for a moment. Then, like a switch, he shook it off and gave a nod. “Right. Yeah, I know.” He squared his shoulders, then donned his heart-stopping grin. “I’m King of the Court. I got this shit.”

Kai grinned at his fortitude. “So… ready to go?”

Breck gave a nod. “Yeah. Show me your world.”

— NINE —

Kai climbed from his seat and joined Breck outside his car. Breck still looked tense but other than that, appeared okay. Unable to help it, Kai drank him in yet again. It amazed him the way Breck oozed such potent sex. How one glimpse of his dark, cut body made him instantly salivate. Not that Breck noticed. He was too busy scoping the area. His gaze cutting this way and that, as if scanning for threats.

“Give me your hand. Need to do something real quick.”

Breck turned and eyed him. “What kind of something?”

Kai held up a length of rope he’d shoved in his pocket before leaving his place. Black, braided nylon to match the theme of their current attire.

Breck frowned at it. “Wait. What’sthatfor?”

“The alternative to a leash.”

“Aleash?” Breck balked. “Yeah, right.As if.”

Kai chuckled. “It’s a sub thing. But don’t worry, this isn’t that. I’m just gonna bind our hands together.”

“But why?”

“Part of the façade. But also, to make sure you don’t get swept away in the crowd.”

Breck tensed at the notion, then quickly offered his hand.

Kai pressed their palms together and laced their fingers. Breck’s warm grip was firm and felt really nice. He bound their wrists. Breck watched, looking adorably rapt. Kai smiled and tightened the knot with his teeth.

“There.” He tucked away the remnants.

Breck smirked. “Great. Now I’m stuck with you all night.”

“Mm. Quite literally.”

But then Breck’s playful expression faltered. “This whole thing… with me pretending to be your sub… You’re not gonna make me do anything stupid, right?”

“I suppose that depends on what you consider stupid.”

“You know… like making me get down on my knees or some shit.”

“Ah. Because that’d be beneath the mighty king.”

Breck scowled and tipped up his chin. “I won’t do it, is all. Just letting you know.”

And it was times like this that made Kai second guess his assessment of Breck. When push came to shove, werethesehis true colors? Too arrogant to realize what he’d be missing in the grander scheme?

“Your loss.” Kai shrugged. “Although, just so you know, I hadn’t planned to put you down on your knees.” He was well aware it’d be too much for Breck’s volatile ego.

“’Kay,” Breck murmured. “Just making sure.” He pasted on a smile, but Kai could see his vulnerability. And the fact that his casual front was still a little unstable.

Kai nodded, then briefly tightened his grip. “If you ever want to leave tonight, just do this. Squeeze my hand.”