Kai steadied him with his hands. “Lean forward a little and let the rope hold your weight.”

Breck did so, which helped a lot. Kai hoisted his hips up another inch or so. Not so much as to lift him off the ground, though. The balls of his feet still touched the floor.

“All good? Nothing tingling? No pain?”

Still primarily upright, Breck did a scan. His shoulders. His pelvic area. The junction where his thighs met his groin. Nothing worrisome. Just some tightness and moderate discomfort caused by strain. There was, however, a shit ton of crazy awkward. “All good,” he grunted tightly.

Kai’s hands skimmed over the ropes from behind, his warm breath along Breck’s spine like its own kind of drug. More checking. More straightening. More smoothing. Then more of that caressing once he seemed content. Breck’s body heated in the wake of his touch.

“Beautiful,” Kai murmured.

Breck’s insides vibrated. God, the appreciation, theadorationin Kai’s voice. It melted Breck, stripped him down to the very essence of his core, yet at the same time, filled every emptiness and lit him up. Unfortunately, in the blink of an eye, the moment was gone.

“Right leg next,” Kai announced, breaking the silence.

Grabbing another rope, he tied it just above Breck’s knee, then used it to lift said knee up to Breck’s side. Another carabiner, unhooked from his pocket. Then more clinking above Breck’s head. His leg was officially secured. And the position was kind of weird. Left to balance on one foot, Breck tried to shift his weight, but it wasn’t easy. And now his hamstring was burning from the strain. Not in a ‘bad pain’ kind of way, though. His muscles were just being stretched. Thankfully, they adjusted before too long since, evidently, Kai wasn’t done with his leg.

“Futumomo,” he stated simply as he commenced with some fancy weave.

Breck shifted awkwardly on his one foot. “Footoo what-oh?”

Kai laughed. “A rope tie that binds the shin and thigh.”

Breck watched with intrigue. Unlike the frog tie from Friday, this rig job was a little more involved. And a little bit larger, too, in its overall design. Once finished, Kai fastened it in a couple places to Breck’s chest harness, which ultimately secured Breck’s knee to the side of his shoulder.

More tightening of knots. More checking of ropes. More stroking of fingertips along his skin. “You good?” Kai questioned softly, still caressing him. “No tingling or numbness? No burning? No pain?”

Breck shivered, shifting absently in his binds. This man was making him so fucking hot. Forcing his brain to focus, he checked his body yet again, when all hereallywanted was to revel in Kai’s touch. “So far so good,” he managed.

Just keep touching me. Don’t ever stop.

Kai smiled and cupped Breck’s cheek, then slid his hand down to the side of his neck. “You’re doing awesome. I’m almost done.”

Breck held his gaze, his heart thumping. Very rarely were they face to face like this, so close that Breck could smell his skin. And, God, was that face fucking gorgeous. Those dark, entrancing eyes, that refined, perfect nose. And lips so criminally luscious, it made Breck’s mind do a sit-and-spin. A face so masculine and yet so flawless, ethereal and yet so fierce. Framed by the glossiest mane of silky black hair. Breck stared at him, captivated, then his eyes locked on Kai’s mouth.

Kiss me, something inside him whispered.

Breck stilled, then blinked. Whoa, what?

Kai smiled and dropped his hand. Unhurriedly, he circled Breck’s trussed-up body. Breck shifted on his remaining leg. And then he felt it. Kai’s short blunt nails dragging casually across the back of his thigh. As if telling it teasingly, wordlessly,heads up: you’re next. More goosebumps as a shiver rocked him. Breck listed sideways, fighting a moan. Kai chuckled and casually righted him. Then just like that, he was back to work, binding Breck’s remaining leg like he’d done to the other.

Breck groaned as Kai maneuvered his body, resituating his limbs just how he wanted them to be. Not exactly a position Breck took on every day. He imagined it looked as though he’d started off standing, but with his feet spread far apart, then had gripped his arms from behind and dropped into a squat. Only, he wasboundin that position. And was dangling a good four feet off the fucking ground.

He watched as Kai tightened the last knot. All limbs were accounted for. There was nothing left to bind. Surely, he was finished.

Kai regarded his finishedfutumomo, then set in to checking and testing and straightening. “Still good?” he asked as he transitioned to caressing. Up and down and all around Breck’s leg, sometimes mere centimeters away from making contact with his crotch. Breck bit his cheek in an effort not to moan. Kai’s fucking hands should be fucking illegal. Damn near capable of making Breck forget his current state. Nearly, but not quite. After all, he must look absurd. If his friends ever saw him like this, he’d die on the spot.

Kai dropped his hands and stepped away. And what do you know, Breck could finally focus. Shifting his hips, he tried to move his legs. Not happening. And thankfully, nothing was falling asleep. “Yeah,” he grunted. “Still good. I’m just… you know… feeling a little bit awkward and a whole lot ridiculous.”

Kai smiled and moved close again. “Change your mindset, Breck. You’re doing amazing.” He roamed his hands over Breck’s shoulders, then moved them lower and cupped his pecs. Holding Breck’s gaze, he thumbed his nipples.

Breck’s lashes fluttered. “Thanks...” He was lost again. Lost in those eyes. In those mesmerizing onyx pools of sensual promise.

Kai rumbled softly. Breck’s gaze dropped to his mouth.

Kiss me, came that whisper again.

Jesus. Did Breck actuallywanthim to?