Breck peeled open his eyes, then clutched his wrists from behind.

Kai stepped away and grabbed his first bundle of rope. Then just like that, he was fashioning a harness around Breck’s chest. Like last time, the feeling was soothing—Kai’s fingers moving against him, those subtle little rope tugs here and there. Breck’s eyelids lowered to half-mast. He could stay like this forever, in this silence laden with so much expectation. Being the sole and utter focal point of Kai’s attention…

“This is gonna start feeling tight.” Kai’s voice broke through the quiet. “Remember to breathe into your abdomen. If, at any time, you have problems drawing breath, or feel lightheaded or dizzy or nauseous, you let me know, okay?”

Kai’s words should’ve sent him back to nervous again. He knew this but, God, that voice was just so confident and soft. To the point that Breck couldn’t do anything but just feel even more at peace. “Okay,” he mumbled calmly.

“Slow and steady.” Kai paused to palm Breck’s abdomen again with his hands. He kept them there as Breck breathed in and out, as if making doubly sure that Breck was doing it right, then resumed with his task at hand. Winding, weaving, smoothing, straightening. Checking for tightness. Testing knots. Breck savored every form of contact, the feel of his touch like a relaxant to his soul. Until, that is, Kai’s finger brushed his nipple.Thatwas definitely astimulant.

Breck nearly moaned.Yes.This was what he loved. Kai touching him everywhere. The boundaries of their personal space converging into one. Merging them like parts of an atom; Breck being the nucleus, Kai, the circling electron. Two parts of one intimate entity in perfect accord.

Making him feel more alive than he ever had before.

Moments later, Kai finished with Breck’s chest piece. “How you doing? Everything feeling okay?”

“Yeah.” Breck rolled his shoulders. Or tried to, anyway. Shit was tight as fuck. But hey, breath was coming and going, so he was currently good.

Kai checked a few spots, straightening some rope. “Alright. I’m gonna attach this to the hard point now.”

“Hard point?”

“Yeah.” Kai unclipped a carabiner from his pocket. “The metal ring I showed you. It’s what I’ll be attaching all your suspension lines to.”

“Ah.” Breck eyed the silver hoop.

Kai moved around back and started doing his thing. The clinking of carabiners sounded above them. Some minor tugs between Breck’s shoulder blades. Then a slight upward pull. “Lean into it,” Kai murmured. “The tension okay?”

Breck tilted forward, settling his weight more directly on the suspension. His shoulders strained, the harness pressing tighter against his ribs. But other than that, he wasn’t experiencing any pain. “Yeah.” He nodded. “Feels secure. I think I’m good.”

Kai’s fingers performed one final inspection.

And, seriously, an inspection had never felt so good.

Breck closed his eyes, enjoying Kai’s touch—and the way he ended his perusal with a finishing caress. Masculine hands gliding reassuringly over his shoulders. Cupping soothingly over his rope-strewn pecs. Breck’s hooded gaze lifted to Kai’s.

Kai smiled a little, then dropped his hands. “Alright then. Moving on to your hips.” Turning, he grabbed a second bundle of rope. “Go ahead and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.”

Ah, fuck. Here we go.

Breck did as he’d been instructed, knowing full well that this would be the end of his self-control. Once those fingers started gliding around his crotch, there’d be no restraining the erection that’d been chomping at the bit.Whatever. Kai’s effect on him wasn’t a secret. The guy knew damn well what he did to Breck’s dick.

Instinctively, he tried to hold his breath, but that was a no-go thanks to his harness. It wouldn’t let him inhale deep enough. He swallowed, his pulse picking up speed.

Kai weaved his rope around Breck’s hips, knotting and crossing it by design, then deftly fed its working end between Breck’s legs. His fingers grazed Breck’s junk. Breck hissed, then cringed, cheeks heating. One fleeting brush of fingers and he was utterly and completely hard. In like, the span of one freaking second. He couldn’t remembereverpopping one so fast. Leave it to Kai to precipitate the breaking of humiliating records.

Breck closed his eyes and gave in to Kai’s touch. Along his groin, around his hips. Atop the fabric of his jock, between his legs. At which point, Kai’s fingers skimmed Breck’s ass. Right at the bottom where it connected with his thighs. Breck stiffened, inhaling sharply.

“Relax, Breck. Jesus.” Kai tamped down a laugh. “Your glutes look like they’re auditioning for the fuckingNutcracker.”

Breck cursed, having not realized he’d been clenching. Feeling like an idiot, he forced himself to calm, but not two seconds after he did, Kai grazed his skin again in a similar spot. Goosebumps erupted. He stifled a moan. Kai’s hands were going to be his end. Moving way too slowly and sensually next to intimate places. Gliding and smoothing as they positioned those ropes, each cursory graze an excruciating tease. Unlike last time, Kai didn’t give him a G-string. He did, however, give him another of those happy knots. Right behind his nuts, two ropes briefly merging, then going their separate ways again up the sides of his ass.

Breck muffled another moan as Kai adjusted it super-snug. It amazed him how effective it was. That simple knot against his taint. Incredible how it elicited such potent sensation.

Body thrumming, he closed his eyes and focused on Kai’s touch. On his closeness. On his undivided attention. There was nothing he loved more than Kai fixated on his body.

A couple of knot-tightening tugs later, along with more drive-by finger inspections, and Kai was unclipping another carabiner from his pocket, done with the hip harness as well. “Alright, I’m gonna attach this part, too.”

More clinks of metal sounded above Breck’s head. Then a few more jogging tugs at the base of his spine. His hips lifted slightly from behind, causing his lower back to arch. Which, in turn, had his ass canting up at a provocative angle. Breck shifted, his balance suddenly off kilter.