Breck gazed down at him, the man almost too beautiful to look at. That glossy black mane framing his perfect features. Those dark-as-night eyes glinting in the candlelight…

Kai bent his knee and planted his foot flat atop the bedding, then crooked his finger and donned a heart-stopping grin. “C’mere,jeja,” he murmured. “Come straddle my hips.”

Oh, God.

Breck’s fresh erection visibly twitched.

Kai wanted him toridehim—something Breck had never done. The only way he’d ever bottomed was from behind. Well, and fromabove, when Kai had strung him up. Opening his eyes to all the wondrous things that life was trying to offer him.

Kai’s lips quirked as he pulled Breck over by his rope.

Heart racing, he moved onto the bed, then stepped over Kai’s body and stood astride his hips. Kai peered up at him, his body so magnificent, his face so surreal. He donned another grin and pulled down on that rope, then commanded softly, “Breck… Come to me.”

Breck tamped a smile and eased down onto his knees, his gaze dropping of its own accord to Kai’s Adonis belt. His mouth watered. He wanted to grip him there, trace those grooves with his thumbs—and then the tip of his tongue.

Kai growled, the sound quiet but thick. And then he was reaching for more lube from his bedside table. In seconds flat, his cock was back to glistening. “Mount me,” he rumbled, his gaze hot and hooded. Still gripping his shaft, he clutched Breck’s thigh and guided him toward his cock.

Breck’s heart hammered. He spread his knees and eased lower. A heartbeat later, he felt the tip of Kai’s crown. Kai loosed a velvety hum as he lined things up.

Mind swimming, body teeming with need, Breck slid his knees wider and eased down onto Kai’s cock. A moan shoved past his lips as Kai breached him, his shaft like a steel rod impaling his body, so sublime.

Gripping Breck’s sides, Kai lifted his hips and pushed in deeper.

“Ungh,fuck—” Breck fought not to clench. He sank himself deeper, then deeper still, until he reached Kai’s lap.

A happy purr emitted from Kai’s chest. Holding Breck against him, he lowered his hips back down onto the bed. “Heavenly,” he rasped. “That’s how you feel to me, lover. Your beautiful body’s grip around my cock, so slick… andtight.”

Breck moaned as his insides adjusted. Kai drew up his other leg, both feet firmly planted with his knees against Breck’s back. Then, with a smile, he reached for Breck’s wrists and finally freed his hands. Breck’s heart thumped as Kai rubbed the marks, then quickened as his fingers slid up Breck’s forearms and gripped his elbows. Holding Breck’s gaze, he subtly started moving, the smallest lift and lowering of his hips against Breck’s ass.

Breck’s body vibrated. He clutched Kai’s elbows too, then slowly started grinding, syncing up his pelvis with Kai’s ups-and-downs.

Oh, God. This feels fucking incredible.

Another blissed-out, drunken moan shoved past his lips.

Kai gazed at him, looking just as intoxicated. And then he did the most erotic thing. He took Breck’s hand and slid its first two fingers into his warm, wet mouth. Breck’s jaw went slack at the decadent sight, at the inebriating feel of Kai’s velvety tongue. Mixed with the sensations riding the rest of his body, it all but melted his brain.

Kai held his gaze and smiled around his fingers, attuning the tempo of his rocking hips with each pull of his mouth. This man was magic. Hypnotizing. Mesmerizing. Showing Breck a side of intimate connection he’d never fathomed existed.

“Fuck, Kai,” he breathed, moving atop him. “I’ve wanted this… with you… for so fucking long.”

Kaimmm’das he rocked his hips, then grinned and pulled Breck’s fingers free. “Pretty sure all you wanted in the beginning was to throttle my neck.”

“That, too.” Breck laughed through a moan.

But then Kai sobered and splayed Breck’s hand against his chest. “I’m trusting you, Breck. I hope you understand what that means.”

Breck’s smile ebbed. He could feel Kai’s heartbeat.

Yes, I understand.

Kai was taking a chance on him. And that moved Breck deeper than Kai would ever know.

His own heart throbbed. He suddenly wanted to kiss Kai so bad. He didn’t though, not wanting to come across as totally cheesy. He’d never made love before, wasn’t sure how to roll. When it came to romantic sex, he was pretty much a virgin.

Instead, he held Kai’s gaze intently, and offered him his heartfelt vow. “I’ve keptwaytoo many secrets in my life, but I swear to you, Kai, you’ll never be one of them again.”

Emotions flickered in Kai’s eyes, as if Breck’s words were a comfort.