Slowly rocking his hips, Breck palmed Kai’s pecs for the very first time.

Oh God, yes.Such thick, warm muscle. As hard as granite, yet silky smooth under his eager touch. He savored this sensation, of finally touching Kai’s body. In the past, his hands had always been bound.

Erotic current coursed through his fingers. Up his arms. He subtly squeezed, then thumbed Kai’s small, pebbled nipples back and forth.

Kai rumbled, giving a hardier thrust. Pleasure surged through Breck’s body in immediate response. He groaned through another smile, relishing this ability to freely touch Kai without any restraints.

Kai gripped Breck’s cock and started stroking to the tune of his thrusts, the drugging tempo and mind-stealing sensations swiftly consuming all thought. Not too fast to put him over the edge, not too hard to drive him crazy for release. Just the perfect amount of slow-and-steady to get him blissing—and keep him there.

Another moan escaped his lips. “I can’t believe I’m here with you… Like this.”

Kai’s lashes hooded as he rocked his pelvis. “You’ve never been with a man in this way before.”

“No,” Breck panted. “Not ever. It was always just fucking.”

“And with the ladies?”


Kai smiled, looking genuinely content. “Ah,jeja, you’ve got a whole entire world out there to explore.”

“Withyou,” Breck rasped.

Kai’s smile turned smutty. “Can’t wait to show you around.”

He quickened his thrusts, along with his strokes to Breck’s dick.

Breath left Breck on a curse. His body shivered, lost in sensation. He gripped Kai’s arms and moved faster too, up and down Kai’s shaft.

“Yes,” Kai ground out. “Just like that.”

Breck grinned at the fact that he was pleasuring Kai, too. He clenched Kai’s cock, extended each lift to the flare of Kai’s crown, each downward plunge grinding Kai’s head against his G.

Oh, God… His eyes rolled back in his head.

But then Kai pulled hard on the brake and shifted gears. With a hungry growl, he rolled them over, swapping positions. Breck laughed in surprise, albeit already mourning the loss of Kai’s fingers around his cock.

Kai’s lips curved, their chests just inches apart, then he reached back and positioned Breck’s feet at the small of his back. “Mmm...” He braced his hands beside Breck’s head. Then he wedged himself deeper with a sultry forward grind. “Yes, I like this just as much. Your body beneath me so you can’t ever run away.”

Breck peered into his eyes, his smile subtly ebbing. “All these months… I’ve been such an idiot. Always fighting to hide myself from the one fucking person I actually needed tofindme.”

Kai’s expression sobered. “I know you were scared. And honestly, sometimes I think I was kind of scared, too. To let down my guard and be betrayed again. Or worse, forgotten. I knew it would’ve crushed me if you left me behind.”

Breck swallowed, his heart thudding at Kai’s confession. Something he hadn’t realized he’d needed so desperately to hear. Emotions brimming, he slowly shook his head. “You arethemostunforgettableman I haveeverknown.”

Kai’s midnight gaze glinted. A smile curved his lips. And then his hips got back to wielding more sexual magic. Breck moaned, his prostate back to singing, his lips just a scant few inches from Kai’s sensual mouth. Fuck, he loved this new position, too. Kai’s body so close that he could actually feel his every warm, shallow breath. It made his heart race and turned his insides all melty as if suffused by the sun.

A rumble made its way up Kai’s throat. His gaze dropped to Breck’s lips and held them intently as he thrust. “You told me to take what I want, to take what I need.” His eyes locked with Breck’s. “Thisis what I want.Thisis what I need.”

Before Breck could think, let alone respond, Kai closed the distance and feverishly claimed his lips. Breck’s heart went wild. The kiss from thismanwas unlike any other kiss he’d ever experienced before. Their tongues danced as Kai moved above him, his body like a raw, hot, rolling wave of sinuous muscle.

Breck moaned against his lips. “The way you move, God, it makes me crazy.”

Kai drove home deeper.

Bliss mushroomed. “Ungh, fuck— Yeah, just like that— So deep I can’t fuckin’ breathe.”

Kai severed their kiss and pressed his lips to Breck’s cheek. “I’m giving you all of me,” he panted roughly. “Will you do the same?”