Breck regarded him, curiosity shimmering in his hungry gaze.

“Eyes forward,jeja.”

Breck turned back to the window.

Kai grabbed another bundle—more jute—and resumed his work. Breck’s left ankle first, and then his right, connected by a length of rope. Twelve inches, give or take, for Kai to use at his later convenience. Likewise, he allowed excess rope to hang free from each foot.

Tightening the knots, he straightened the cording, then got to his feet. “Stand.” He met Breck’s gaze in the window. “It’s time for phase two.”


Breck peered up at Kai, looking confused. “Phase two?”

Kai couldn’t help smiling at his adorable expression. “Well, yes. How else will we put these beautiful ropes to the test?”

Breck coughed a laugh and let Kai help him up. His movements were cautious. No doubt, he was wary of what straightening might do to his trussed-up junk.

He’d be fine. Kai knew what he was doing.

When nothing appeared to turn painful, Breck visibly eased. “What’s next?” he asked, his timbre laden with need, his demeanor that of a handsome young bull still desperate to come. And God, how Kai burned to give him exactly that.

And he would. Just not quite yet.

Heart thumping, gaze hooded, he moved in close, palmed the back of Breck’s head and sensuously fused their lips, wanting to relay all the incredible things that Breck made him feel.

Hope anew. Joy. Pleasure. Excitement.

But especially gratitude for this honest exchange.

Breck exhaled with a moan against his mouth, his bound hands lifting to possessively curl around the front of Kai’s throat. Like he needed to touch him. To keep him close. Some semblance of control to keep him from getting away. The gesture made Kai’s heart pound faster. Made that erection in his pants a whole lot happier, too.

Speaking of erections…

He gripped Breck’s boner as they kissed. Started leisurely stroking up and down his shaft. Breck groaned and widened his stance, slowly rocking his hips. Kai grinned against his mouth and kissed him deeper.

Breck shivered, his breaths turning ragged again, his pelvis starting to twitch.

Kai rumbled softly and severed their kiss, then uncurled Breck’s fingers from around his throat—something a very prominent part of his being was utterly loath to do. He’d relished the sensation of Breck’s grip and hoped to experience it again soon.

Once more, Breck held him with that lust-drunk gaze. And honestly, Kai was pretty sure his eyes looked the same. Taking the excess rope hanging free from Breck’s wrists, he fashioned it into a large triple-box knot between Breck’s palms. A makeshift grip for his lover to hold on to.

He could feel Breck’s avid stare on his face. He met his gaze—God, the fire in those eyes—then peered up at the hoist mounted above in the ceiling’s rafter. The one from which his suspension ring hung, all quiet and gleaming.

Breck followed his gaze and loosed a quiet curse, no doubt recalling with perfect clarity how suspension play went last time.

Kai’s body teemed, remembering quite perfectly himself. And yet, he knew this time around would be totally different.

Retrieving the hoist remote from out of the bin, he lowered its lead, then led Breck over and secured his wrists’ rope to the suspension ring. Once done, he raised it back up again, till Breck’s body was stretched, his arms above his head, the whole of his weight on the balls of his feet.

Kai regarded him with utter appreciation. Breck eyed him right back with equal intensity.

“Your wrists okay?”

Breck swallowed and nodded.

“Good.” Kai donned a smile, then clutched Breck’s hip with one hand to steady him, and reached for his cock.

Several strokes later and Breck was squirming again. So arousing. Kai watched him with a lover’s eye, so rapt by this beautiful being. “So captivating you are, myjeja.”