Kai paused and caressed his hips. When Breck quieted, he returned to his work. Gently, he eased Breck’s balls from his body, then wound his jute in a super-snug spiral down his scrotum’s length. When he reached the actual meat at the bottom, he carefully secured a knot with the rest of the rope, ultimately leaving nothing exposed but those gloriously stretched balls.

Again, he permitted himself a moment to admire Breck’s state.Intoxicating.Fresh veins bulging from his cock. Balls so smooth and round, and pulled so provocatively taut.

His body heated with his growing arousal. He wondered how Breck felt about this newest rig job. Did having his junk bound in this way excite him? Make him nervous? His dick was clearly enjoying the ride. Never had Kai handled an erection so impossibly hard.

His own erection pulsed impatiently.

Breck moaned, as if feeling the weight of his stare.

Kai smiled and palmed Breck’s ass cheeks, kneading firmly, then gripped his cock again and slowly gave a stroke. Breck groaned low and rocked his hips.

Kai all but vibrated at the husky sound. And yet, he wasn’t content with just hearing Breck’s pleasure, he wanted toseeit.

Releasing his hold, he grabbed the bin and set it beside him, rummaging briefly again for his bottle of lube. He flipped it open and poured more into his palm, then dragged his thumb through the glistening puddle.

“Jeja,” he murmured. “Bring your hands back in front of you. Prop your weight up on your elbow and watch as I play.”

Breck hesitated for the briefest moment, but then all those beautiful muscles started bunching as he complied. Kai’s gaze hooded as he watched him resituate, his muscle-flanked spine arching as he raised himself up. The sight was inebriating. Then Breck’s eyes were locked with his in the window’s reflection.

And there it was. That sensuous expression. Lashes low, pupils blown, lush lips parted in anticipation.

The sight stoked Kai hotter. He held Breck’s stare and grazed his thumb over his entrance. Breck twitched, his propped leg tensing atop the table. Kai circled his other hand around Breck’s shaft.

Another firm, leisurely stroke.

Another moan pushing up the length of Breck’s throat, blending deliciously with the sensuous music.

Kai all but purred at the heady sound.

Gazes locked, he stoked Breck’s fire hotter. Long, steady pumps along his slippery shaft. Eliciting a string of glistening leakage from the tip of his cock. All while his other hand teased Breck’s taint and thumbed his slippery hole.

Breck’s lashes fluttered, his body stiffening. Not long after, he started to restlessly writhe. “Ah, fuck,” he rasped, eyes clamping shut. “You’re gonna— make me come—”

“No, I’m not,” Kai rumbled. “Now hold my gaze.”

Panting and flushed, Breck met his stare in the window.

“That’s it,” Kai whispered. “Don’t look away.”

He kept up the pace until Breck started to shake. At which point, he released him to fondle his sac instead. Slowly, gently, with all ten fingers, before sliding his thumbs to work Breck’s taint in delicious tandem. Indulging himself as he patiently waited for Breck’s dick to calm down.

Breck’s fidgeting ebbed, his rapid breaths slowing.

“Good,jeja. Find your center.” Kai moved on, this time focusing on his thumb. Languidly, teasingly circling it over Breck’s tender backdoor. God, the way Breck’s hole kept clenching, growing more and more antsy as Kai increased the pressure.

Breck shuddered, his gaze turning drunk. Then his slippery little asshole started bearing down. Kai bit back a growl at the brazen invitation, Breck’s body clearly wanting him to take things further. To sink his thumb, or anything he pleased, into Breck’s succulent sheath.

Breck’s eyes glinted in the candlelight, his hips starting to rock against the table’s edge.

Kai tamped another growl, his dick kicking in his pants. As much as he relished Breck’s generous offer, it’d have to wait. He relinquished his hold and gave Breck’s ass a smack.

Breck jerked, then flicked him a look over his shoulder.

Kai grinned and reached for more rope. “One more spot to bind.”

“You’re not done with the tying?”

Kai’s lips quirked. “Just your ankles.”