“I am not.” Jegs threw a double next.
“Look at that form.” Charlie tsked. “Jackie’s shakin’ his head.”
“In awe.” Jegs cut a hand knife strike. “See that shit? I’m a fuckin’ natural.”
Charlie choked on a laugh.
Breck fought back a grin, his tension easing. “Clearly, you haven’t been watchin’ yourself in that mirror.”
“Pfft. Of course I have.” Jegs turned and regarded his reflection. “Lookin’ good, my brotha.” He beamed. “Keep that shit up.”
Breck rolled his eyes and headed for the locker rooms. He’d take notes when he got a notebook. Maybe. If he felt like it. This class was hardly a priority. Once the season started, it’d be even less so. Not that Taekwondo wasn’t cool. Because, admittedly, it was. The fighting techniques and ideals all badass. With a hot-as-fuck instructor to boot.
Even if he was kind of a dick.
They changed and departed the locker room.
Said dick was by the check-in counter.
Breck frowned, annoyed that he couldn’t stop staring. That he couldn’t keep his eyes off that exasperating man.
He headed toward the exit with his buddies. Kai glanced their way.
“An nyoung gae sae yo, Grandmaster,” Jegs rattled off with a grin.
Kai stilled, then crossed his arms and smiled. “An nyoung, Jegs. See you Friday.”
Breck and Charlie traded looks. What the hell? They eyed their friend.
“What?” Jegs shrugged. “Means goodbye. I looked it up.”
Charlie barked out a laugh. “You brown-nosin’ loser.”
Kai’s lips twitched. “An nyoung, Charlie. An nyoung, Breck.”
Breck hesitated, not sure exactly how to respond in this scenario.
Kai held his eyes—and damn it if that gaze didn’t hold him captive.
He swallowed, then cleared his throat, his heartbeat skipping.
Kai quirked a smile. “Go practice, jeja.”
Breck blinked. Then stiffened.
What was that supposed to mean? That he sucked or some shit?
Charlie laughed.
Jegs snickered.
Breck fought back a glower and shoved out the door. “Yeah,” he grated tersely under his breath. “I’ll get right on that.”