“And humble,” Kai chuckled. He raised his fists.

His first strike came low.

Breck deflected it.

Kai dealt another, high.

Breck threw up a face block, barely dodging it.

A double came next, for his solar plexus.

He blocked the first, but Kai’s second sailed past—stopping just millimeters from the top of his abs.

Breck hissed out an oath.

Kai eased back. “Again.”

And so it continued for another ten minutes.

Breck could feel his skin flushing. The sweat on his brow. His heartbeat racing. But he was improving, the movements coming more naturally.

Until Kai dished an exceptionally wicked combination.

Knocked from his zone, Breck barked a curse and stumbled backward.

Kai fisted his dobok and yanked him forward. “Easy, jeja.”

Breck stiffened. Once more, they were just inches apart. His heart stuttered as his stomach clenched. “Jeja?” he rasped.

Kai’s gaze dropped to his mouth. “It means pupil,” he murmured. His eyes rose back up. Locked with Breck’s. His lips curved wryly. “Here, you are a beginner. Not a king.”

Breck stared at him. Kai just body-checked him—verbally.

Glaring, he shoved away. “Wrong. I’m always king. Your dojang doesn’t change that.”

All around, brows shot high.

Fucking fantastic.

Now he looked like an arrogant hothead.

In contrast, Kai’s demeanor remained frustratingly calm. Just that glint in his eyes as he lifted a questioning brow.

Breck grit his teeth.

“Time’s up.” Kai bent at the waist.

Breck scowled but returned the gesture.

Kai straightened and turned to the class. “Practice is over. Bow to your partners, then go take notes.” He dipped at the waist again. “Hae cho.” The students reciprocated, some of them glancing Breck’s way.

Ugh. Breck lifted his chin and averted his gaze. Kai slid him one last look, then turned and headed off the mat, leaving him in the aftermath of… whatever that had been.

Charlie and Jegs walked over.

“That was awesome.” Jegs punched the air.

Charlie chuckled. “Still doing it wrong.”