“Kinky.” Ned grinned.

Tad and Jay snagged their shooters.

Cursing, Breck grabbed his, too.

Whipped cream.

He frowned at the thing, then shot another glower in Kai’s direction. Before this night was through, he was going to wipe that irritatingly sexy grin off Kai’s—

“Say cheese, muthafucka.”

Breck turned to find Ned’s phone trained on his face.

Yeah, fuck that. There’d be no videoing this shit. What happened at their table stayed at their table. He lunged for Ned’s phone but missed by a mile. Stupid alcohol, all messing with his aim. Ned snickered but thankfully put the thing away.

“On the count of three!” Marcie beamed. “And remember, no using your hands!”

Tamping an oath, Breck dipped his head and sealed his lips around the glass. Whipped cream met his taste buds. Ugh, God. He still had tequila on his tongue. Not a good mix.

His stomach protested. He looked Kai’s way, eyes narrowed on the culprit wholly responsible for this shit.

Kai regarded him, a smoldering glint in his eyes. And yet, that smile tugging at his lips was even hotter.

Breck’s stomach clenched, but not from the whipped cream this time. From the way Kai was watching him. It made him antsy. Restless.

Okay, fine. It made him horny.

Which meant he needed to get this stupid shit over with, pronto. No reason to encourage his dumbass dick. Kai already had way too much influence over that as it was.

Securing firm hold with his lips, he tipped his head and let the layers of liquor glide down his throat. The whipped cream, however, lingered in his mouth.

He added his glass to the pyramid, then looked back at Kai.

Yup, still fucking watching.

Good. Watch this.

With a drunken smirk, Breck gave Kai a peek of all the white cream still on his tongue, then with fuck-me eyes, lazily swallowed, easing it down his throat.

Kai’s expression turned downright ravenous.

Aaaaand just like that, Breck’s dick said, Yup, I’m awake!

Shifting, he cleared his throat and looked away. No more games. As drunk as he was, he might get bold and do something stupid.

“Well, that was fun!” Jay announced, turning saucily to Marcie. “If you slide your sweet ass under the table, I’ll gladly give you seconds.”

“Aw, how sweet,” she cooed, sliding from the booth. “But I think I’d rather dance. Come on, Romeo.” She pulled his arm. “Let’s go burn off some empty calories.”

“Good idea,” Ned chimed in, eyeing the dance floor. “I’m suddenly in the mood for a sandwich.” Pushing to his feet, he dragged a hand through his glossy black hair, then sauntered his pretty-boy ass straight toward two girls.

Breck watched him waltz right up and just start dancing. Come to think of it, he should be out there doing the same. He flicked Kai another crotchety look, then forced his gaze back to the dance floor and scanned for a mark; an extra-gorgeous hottie that could distract him from... what did their waitress call him? Hottie McYummy Pants?

What a stupid fucking name.

“So, hey,” Tad shouted over the music.

Breck glanced his way.