Tad smiled a little, tipping his head in the direction of the bar. “Straight up. What’s the deal with Kai?”
Breck tensed, then frowned. Ugh. Tad looked genuinely interested. And in fairness, Breck had just asked the same thing about him and Scott. Thing was, Breck didn’t want to talk about it. It was all just so confusing. And fucked up. And weird.
Giving a shrug, he divulged what he could. “The dude’s too damn cocky. Worked my last nerve when I took his class…” Absently, he glanced Kai’s way. “Kinda like he’s working it now.”
Tad followed his gaze, then stiffened with a frown. Breck’s adversary-slash-fixation had an arm draped over Scott’s shoulder.
Breck’s jaw ticked as the two men laughed.
Tad turned back. “Is that the real reason you bowed out of Taekwondo?”
Breck eyed him, not quite sure what he was talking about. But then he remembered. Shit. The excuse he’d given Kai back at the gym. Tad would’ve known that excuse was a lie. He knew Breck didn’t struggle with grades. It was a topic the two of them talked about from time to time.
Heat rose to his cheeks.
“No,” he confessed. “I just couldn’t handle it. He was too much. Didn’t know when to back off.” Attention that, if Breck was being honest, he’d both hated… and loved.
Looking uneasy, Tad cut his gaze back to the bar, then watched intently as Scott headed off to the john. Kai hung back for a minute, talking with Max, but not long after, he made for the restrooms, too.
Tad muttered something, but Breck couldn’t make it out. Was too busy plotting a way to give Kai a piece of his mind. “I should kick his ass for sending those shooters,” he announced—because he was drunk and, quite frankly, needed a rational second opinion. Tad was barely buzzing, what with the way he’d been nursing his beers. If he approved of Breck’s bright idea, then Breck was doing it.
Tad eyed him, seeming surprised at first, but after following Breck’s gaze to the bathroom, understanding dawned. “You need backup? Got nothing on my plate.”
Breck inwardly smiled. Tad might be a wrestler, but he wasn’t a fighter. And yet, he was willing to be one tonight for his friend. “Careful what you offer, bro. I just might take you up on that.”
Tad chuckled. “God. Please do. Would totally make my night.”
Breck eyed him. He sounded like he wanted to fight. “He pissing you off, too? What am I missing?”
Tad merely shrugged.
Breck regarded him further, but ultimately waved it off. He was way too fucking drunk to psychoanalyze. And while Tad’s offer was wholly appreciated, it wasn’t like he’d need it.
Resuming his glare on the bathrooms, he got back on track. “You know what? I am. I’m gonna give that ass a piece of my mind.” He planted his hands on the table and pushed to his feet. “Right motherfucking now.” His weight listed as he teetered off balance.
He blinked and quickly righted himself.
Tad tamped down a laugh. “Sure you don’t want me to come with you? He’s pretty big and you’re pretty wasted.”
“Please,” Breck scoffed. “I can take him. Hell, I have taken him.”
Tad eyed him. “Have you now.”
Shit. Maybe he shouldn’t have said that out loud.
Stupid fucking alcohol, messing with his stupid fucking brain.
“Yeah. I have.” Thanks to one of Tad’s moves. He shuffled into the flow of traffic. “I’ll be right back.”
A minute later, he was shoving into the men’s room.
He scanned the place.
No Kai. Not at the sinks nor at the urinals.