Kai rolled up to Dom District at a quarter to nine. By the look of the packed parking garage, situated directly across from the establishment, the place was already nearing max capacity. Not a surprise. It was Friday night, after all.

Pulling into a spot designated for District staff, he cut off his ride’s rumbling engine. Time to go do a repeat of this afternoon. Well, not exactly a repeat. Binding Remi up tonight would be nothing like tying up Breck. Two completely different situational energies. Two completely different vibes. Because where Breck had caused Kai’s heart rate to stay elevated the entire time, Remi wouldn’t affect his pulse even one percent. He knew this. Wasn’t just speculating. He’d worked with Remi several times in the past. As beautiful as he was, he just didn’t do it for him. Few did, as of late, with the exception of Breck.

Shaking his head, he grabbed his black duffle bag, climbed from his car and locked things up. He didn’t need to be thinking about Breck again so soon. It’d only been a couple of hours since he’d seen him last.

Heading for the garage’s pedestrian exit, he absently regarded those milling about. A constant flow of leather-clad men ambling in and out.

He reached the opening and waited for a break in traffic, then crossed the city street with a few other walkers. Antique black light posts lined the way in every direction, setting aglow the otherwise black night in soft yellow hues.

Peering up, he took in his destination, the District’s entry just a few yards away. Faced entirely in reddish-black brick, the gargantuan revamped warehouse towered well over fifty feet high, so mammoth in size that it took up an entire city block. And man, did it look imposing. Portentous. Promising big happenings inside. Medieval light fixtures, high-reaching fire escapes, large elevated windows secured with bars. Not to mention that big iron gate shielding the entrance’s double doors.

Scaling the broad concrete steps, his brain shifted gears as he neared the door. To be within this place’s environment required an entirely different mindset. The energy inside was always intense. Thick. Potent. Powerful. Able to penetrate a guy right down to his bones. Which Kai didn’t necessarily want. He was very particular about what he absorbed. After all, what mixed with his energy, affected his energy. Hence, the need to recalibrate his barriers. A measure, incidentally, that he exercised every time he came to this place, its purpose kind of like that of those bouncers manning the door. To pick and choose very carefully what he let inside.

He smiled as they parted the wrought iron gate. “Evening, gentlemen.”

They smiled in return, then shoved open the big, steel, double doors. “Evening, Kai. Tying someone up again tonight?”

“You volunteering?”

The two men stilled.

Kai laughed. “I’m kidding. And, yes, I’ll be tying up Remi.”

Their gazes flickered with interest. No surprise. Remi had endeared many a leather daddy in this establishment—which both of these bouncers just so happened to be. He just had that way about him that older guys found irresistible. His big, brown, puppy-dog eyes certainly didn’t hurt his cause.

Walking past the bouncers, he entered the building and peered around. Sure enough, the place was hopping, industrial jazz background music pumping steadily through the massive building’s sound system. As he headed for the escalator, it occurred to him, not for the first time, how Dom District’s structural design emulated that of an indoor mall. Two stories, but with an open center, where those on the second floor could peer down to the first and spectate exhibits. The District held a lot of exhibitions; two every month. Each a couple of weeks long, all interactive.

Last month was a puppy training event—which of course, didn’t involve actual dogs—as well as a vendor-sponsored expo demonstrating tons of new BDSM products.

Kai stepped onto the escalator and headed upward, regarding the current exposition well underway. Almost immediately he recognized the event by the huge portable structures. Soundproof and constructed entirely of two-way mirrors, the tinted glass allowed for passersby to see inside, while at the same time providing those within the illusion of privacy.

He smiled. This exhibition was one of his favorites for no other reason than its uniquely creative concept. Fantasy Isle. Or as most coined it, The Grandiose Gutter. Where men went to play out their most erotic desires, each structure’s interior designed like a studio set. Meaning, they can mimic virtually any environment, so long as it fit within the dimensions of the soundproof enclosures. From bedrooms to jungle settings, underground lairs to prison cells.

Every fall, patrons could submit requests via Dom District’s website regarding what scenarios they’d like featured at the next event. Scenarios would be selected and, when the time came, professional actors would arrive on set, ready to bring said scenarios to erotic life. Patrons choose which character they want to play, and the actors assume the opposite role.

Kai vividly remembered a few of last year’s scenarios. Like the set that mimicked the exam room of a doctor’s office. Evidently, it was physicals season, with athletes of every variety needing to have one done. Patrons had enjoyed playing the physician role the most. No doubt, due to the actor’s coinciding performance. His portrayal of the wary-yet-subservient patient was exceptionally stimulating.

And then there was the enactment involving puppy-play, its setting at a kennel equipped with cages and training gear. The scenario: a possible adoption, depending upon how obedient the happy pooch was with their potential new master. That was a mix between which character the patrons wanted to play, with the scenes ending up just as spirited as they were arousing. Lots of petting and cajoling. Lots of commands. And with each eventual act of submission, lots of praise and treats. Kai had to admit, he’d actually enjoyed that depiction a lot.

His favorite, however, had been set in an alien rainforest. One of the characters was a human explorer, freshly caught in a rope trap after bathing in the river. The scene began with him taking an unlucky step, then getting yanked up into a net intended for prey. Naked and wet, he swayed helplessly, suspended in the air, arms tangled in the rope, his knees pinned awkwardly against his chest.

Then came the arrival of the other character, portraying the role of an indigenous male. Buff patrons chose to play this part, which required they be prepped with dark purple body paint, a head piece of dreads, and black leather loincloths. The end product had looked pretty badass, but the scene they’d brought to life had been even hotter. Unabashed, curious, horny alien meets human virgin, with a communication barrier. Lots of misunderstandings on the alien’s part. Lots of yelping and squirming and oh, God’s on the exasperated human’s. Kai chuckled at the memory. It’d almost felt like comedic erotica. He wondered if they were doing something similar this year. From the escalator, he couldn’t tell, and didn’t have time at the moment to go see. Maybe when class was over, he’d go check it out.

As he stepped off the escalator, the music from the nightclub down below pulsed up through his feet. Gritty and throbbing, it vibrated the floor, its dark, seductive tempo rolling up his body, working deep into his bones. A Corpse Husband and Savage Gasp tune. He knew it well. Loved to crank it at home when he was in one of those moods. Corpse’s gravel-shredded vocals were just so ridiculous. As someone once stated, it’s like his voice has fucking abs.

Kai peered down at the club the pulsating tempo was reverberating from. The Den—which he was pretty sure was a euphemism for den of iniquities. Especially on weekends. Weekends were insane, the heat factor cranked up enormously in comparison to weekdays. Provocatively dressed waiters. Dancers grinding in grungy cages. Sex acts transpiring all over the dance floor, in booths, against the bar. Hell, even now, he could see a fuck train going on; four lean stags with their leathers down, aggressively thrusting to the music’s pace.

Smirking, Kai shook his head and continued on his way to his classroom. All around him, the upper-level pathways flowed with patrons from every walk of life, the stream of bodies reminding him of blood coursing through robust veins.

He glanced over the railing at the much more expansive crowd below. Like an undulating sea, coursing this way and that, of flesh and leather. Taking in the view, he contemplated Dom District’s dynamic. How one might assume the energy there would be predominantly and heavily masculine. But in fact, it was a very rich mixture of both masculine and feminine. Which, of course, many would assume meant male and female energies. But the truth was, every being on the planet possessed both. Fundamental energies that had nothing to do with gender, but rather, inherent human qualities.

Put simply, masculine energy represented the desire to give, while feminine energy represented the desire to receive. And in this ocean of virile men, inherently either submissive or dominant in nature, those were exactly and unequivocally the qualities they exuded. The Doms’ desire to give their subs what they need, and the subs’ desire to receive it from their Doms. Of course, on the flip side, the same was true. Subs absolutely gave to their Doms in their own right. And in that sense, Doms whole-heartedly luxuriated in the act of receiving.

Kai returned his attention to straight ahead as he walked, passing rental shops, stores, and mini venues along the way. His destination was still a few more entrances down.

When he first started teaching Shibari, he remembered thinking how curious it was that couples would spend their Friday evenings attending a class. He came to the conclusion, though, that learning something fun was truly its own kind of entertainment. Some couples devoted date night to instructional ballroom or salsa dancing. Others went to Shibari classes. To each their own.