Crossing into the back half of Dom District proper, or in other words, where general-public patrons were free to tread, Kai finally secured a visual of his classroom. Just beyond were the exhibition rooms, the realm of debauchery where expos were hosted with guys like Zink. Kai had one booked for the end of next week. Those kinds of exhibits, however, were different from the one going on downstairs. They were smaller. Had an intimate setting, their room size only capable of accommodating a certain amount. One had to reserve a spot if they wanted to attend. Of course, people could also watch from out in the corridor. Which many did, a sea of rapt eyes behind a wall of tempered glass.

Beyond the exhibit rooms, public access came to an end. Like a fortress at the rear of Dom District, taking up nearly a third of the building’s square footage, loomed the highly revered and very active province of District Dungeon. Completely separate from the rest of the establishment, its massive gothic doors only allowed entrance to the District’s elite. Members who met specific qualifications. Excellent standing within The District for three consecutive years. Noteworthy contributions. Plus, the unnegotiable condition of holding either a Dom or submissive status. Officially. As in, having documentation. And they had to have held that station for at least six months.

The most important qualification, however, was that of invitation. One must be invited. Which was where most patrons at The District fell short. It wasn’t enough that they knew, or even were friends with an elite. They had to be inherently top-notch material. No one on the ‘inside’ would ever risk their coveted membership by vouching for a subpar or, God forbid, bad-apple friend. If said friend were ever to cause any problems, he who extended his invite risked getting booted out, too.

Finally, Kai reached his classroom. Unlike the exhibition settings, these rooms didn’t have large exterior windows for outside viewers. Just a single, charcoal-tinted glass door. Heading inside, he glanced around, the ambiance refined. Which most definitely could not be said about the exhibition rooms. No concrete-block walls emulating a basement. No giant iron cage replicating a prison cell. Not even the medievalesque stone masonry that one might find in a castle dungeon. Just brushed metal walls with rivets, lots of inset lighting, and a black concrete floor. Oh, and two large, wall-mounted flat screens for instructional viewing.

A moment later, Remi walked through the door, dressed in tight black jeans, an even tighter tee, and countless braided bracelets. The kid was beautiful. In his early twenties. Long chestnut hair. Big innocent brown eyes—though he was anything but.

Kai smiled in greeting. “Remi. Thanks for coming.”

Remi grinned. “Not a problem, Sir. I’ve been wanting to be your rope model for a really long time.”

“Ah. Well, I hope you enjoy yourself.”

Remi’s grin spread wider. “Nova’s dying of jealousy.” His partner in crime. The two were inseparable. Wherever one was, there the other was, too. Unless, that is, one happened to score a solo gig like this.

Kai smirked. “Nova will survive.”

Remi snickered, then shifted gears and tucked some hair behind his helix-pierced ear. “We did a scene together in The Dungeon earlier. It was incredible. We got invited to do another one tonight.”

“Is that right?”

“Yeah. But I declined… because I wanted to do this with you.”

Kai lifted a brow. “Well, thank you, Remi.”

“You’re welcome, Sir.” Biting his lip, Remi gazed up at him with big doey eyes.

Kai fought not to chuckle. The kid was laying it on thick. No doubt because, for most men, all that eager boyish charm went a very long way. Unfortunately for Remi, Kai wasn’t most men. But more to the point, Remi wasn’t his type. Or at least, he wasn’t currently. Which was strange. Kai typically liked long-haired brunettes. That and well-mannered men with bright, inviting smiles. Yet, now it seemed his type was the polar opposite. Dark, scowling seniors with virtually no hair at all.

Ugh. No more thinking about Breck.

He’d been doing way too much of that already, since Breck left his place. In his defense, he’d needed to study the pictures he’d taken. To go over his creation until it was solidified in his brain. A task that required looking at Breck’s image. Breck’s hard, sculpted, decadently-bound, beautiful frame. Which effectively kept the memory of what they’d done together at the forefront of his mind.

He’d been erect for the entire duration. By the time he was finished, his dick had demanded its due. Which he’d given it. Twice. Under the hot spray of a shower. The first, a hard fast feeding to appease the beast. The second, much more satisfying. He’d taken his time, reminiscing about Breck’s body. All that light brown skin and glorious muscle, contrasting deliciously with the white of Kai’s ropes. How Breck had trembled, then come so exquisitely in response to his touch.

Kai’s second orgasm hit even harder than the first.

Clearing his throat, he shook off the thought and eyed the door. Attendees were arriving. He tipped his head. “And here they come.”

Remi regarded them, then turned back to Kai. Excitement glinted in his eyes. “I guess it’s time to strip.”

“Yes.” Kai leveled him with a look. “But only down to your underwear.”

“You sure? Because, I mean, if you’d like, I could totally go naked.”

“Thank you, but underwear should suffice.”

“Alright.” Remi sounded disappointed. “Would you like me to put my hair up into a bun?”

“Yes, actually. That’d be great.”

Remi nodded, then moseyed to the front of the room, blowing kisses and mouthing hellos to familiar patrons along the way.

Kai, in the meantime, started the process of setting things up. Pulling out his supplies. Turning on the widescreens. Angling the video feeds. Clipping on his body mic. Testing its volume. Then finally, adjusting the lights. By the time he was done, all his students were present, with Remi dutifully waiting in his candy-red bikini briefs and loosely-tied bun.

“Welcome, everyone.” Kai glanced around the room. “I’m spotting some repeat offenders. Good to have you back.”