He cleared his throat. “That’s quite a perspective.” Except then something occurred to him. “Hold up, what about what you did with Sean? Don’t you consider that a sexual energy exchange?”

“Hmm. Not in the way that you’re thinking.” Kai paused, as if deciding on the best way to explain. “When I dom,” he stated, almost carefully, “it’s for other reasons. For other intentions. And, ultimately, it’s the intention that dictates the type of energy exchange.”

Breck frowned, trying to understand. “So, like, with Sean… and other subs you engaged… What were your ‘intentions’ where they were concerned?”

“To give them an experience. To give them pleasure. To give them fun. None of which to be confused with giving them a part of me.”

Breck stared at him, finally getting it. Silence lingered. He searched for something to say but was at a loss. He hadn’t pegged Kai to be that kind of man. In truth, this knowledge shed a whole new light on the guy. Revealing a part of the mystery into the person he truly was.

Kai exhaled. Diverted his gaze to Breck’s torso. “I should probably untie you.”

Already? Breck glanced at the wall clock ticking slowly above the shelving unit. It’d been nearly an hour already. Just as Kai had predicted. Holy shit, time had flown. It felt like it’d barely been twenty minutes. And as soon as Kai finished untying him, this strange surreal afternoon together would officially be over.

Thing was, Breck didn’t want it to end. Not yet.

He kept his mouth shut, though. Refused to do it. To make himself look desperate or—God help him—needy for more.

Kai reached for his ropes.

“Your students,” Breck blurted.

Kai paused. “Yes?”

So much for not looking desperate. Breck scrambled for a way to stall. “If their partners are tied up and can’t move, then… then how do they play together? It’d be completely one-sided.” Random question, but screw it. It bought him some time. And truth be told, he actually wanted to know.

Kai quirked a brow, as if surprised by his inquiry. “Any way they want to. That it’s one-sided is entirely the point. Although, I assure you,” his lips curved up rakishly, “both parties are most definitely having fun.”

His voice had dipped back to velvety.

Breck’s boner twitched. He wanted more specifics, but Kai obviously wasn’t volunteering them. God forbid the man make anything easy.

Inhale, exhale.

Breck tried from a different angle. “Okay. So if you’d just tied up your partner, how would you play?” Yes, he fucking went there. Go big or go home. Besides, now he craved another peek inside Kai’s mind. A chance to see the kind of things that turned him on.

Kai’s eyes glittered. Shit, that midnight gaze. Then his lips quirked. “The answer to that would be pretty involved.”

Breck tried to shrug. Not easy in his binds. “I’ve got time.”

“Hmm.” Kai looked entertained. “Thing is, to merely verbalize it wouldn’t suffice. It’s one of those cases where one has to experience it to fully understand.”

Breck stilled. Was Kai extending an invite?

Oh God, a part of him hoped so.

“Okay,” he accepted, like an impulsive fool. Not that Kai had actually offered. He quickly amended. “I mean… Fine, then show me.”

Kai lifted a brow.

Shit, maybe he was jumping the gun.

Screw it. He was rocking a fucking flagpole. It wasn’t like Kai hadn’t noticed and couldn’t do the math.

Thankfully, Kai’s overall expression seemed… pleased. With that subtle little smolder in his gaze and that impish quirk to his lips. He didn’t reply right away, though. Just canted his head again and studied Breck’s face. “So, what you’re saying is… you want me to demonstrate… on you?”

Ugh. Must he spell it out so bluntly? Breck feigned a casual shrug, bound and determined—no pun intended—not to be deterred. “Why not? Is there a reason I shouldn’t? It’s not like you’d torture me or anything, right?”

Kai tamped a laugh. “No, but for my kind of play…” He shook his head in amusement. “You’re not even at the level of a novice.”