Breck blinked, then frowned. What kind of shit was Kai into that he’d have to gauge a partner by their level of experience? Only one way to find out. Breck lifted his chin, his heartbeat racing. “Yeah, and? So is everyone, at first.”
Kai nodded. “This is true, but jeja…” He raked Breck’s bundled body with a desirous look. “I’d be teaching you a thing or two.”
Breck stiffened at his words. Such a simple statement—yet with such a mammoth effect, putting him back on the defense. Reminding him of past exchanges when Kai had called him that. Jeja. Which Breck had always interpreted as meaning, knowledge is power, and I have more. Something that, more often than not, he’d taken offense to. Kai wasn’t better than him. Breck was the king.
Problem was, now that he knew the guy a little better, another part of him didn’t feel so instinctively offended. Yeah, Kai was reminding him who the teacher was, but in fairness, he waswell within his boundaries to emphasize that. After all, Breck had just admitted to being a rookie—and now was asking Kai to show him the ropes. Which literally translated to teaching him something. So now Kai was merely asserting that he wanted Breck to acknowledge that fact.
Besides, if Breck was being honest, he suspected that little nickname was also a kind of endearment. He’d never heard Kai use it on anyone else. And, God, the way he said it... All low and purry… That husky little timbre always went straight to Breck’s dick. In the past, he hadn’t wanted to admit that. It felt like a weakness. That one word like an arrow to his Achilles heel.
But now, as Breck considered it, he couldn’t help wondering. Maybe Kai had a thing for him—kind of like he had a thing for Kai; that part of him that felt the pull but didn’t want to fight it.
Steeling his resolve, Breck held Kai’s gaze. He’d accept his terms. A pretty small price, overall, for what those dark eyes were promising. His blood pumped hotter. “Understood,” he murmured. “I’m willing to learn.”