“By gods, it’s true. Theodon, you’re alive! I swear Viktor here was a true ghost and haunting us for the sheer joy of it!”
I force myself to smile.
“Yes, I’m alive and well.”
“No one has seen hide nor hair of you. Ghosts have been sent out looking for you across the Third Realm,” Jaydon states with an easy smile.
“Then these new warriors are not looking very hard.” Theodon chuckles. “We’ve been working tirelessly to rid that realm of all those terrible creatures.”
Campbell and Boxton chuckle.
“Yeah, I can tell. Those dark circles under your eyes speak volumes,” Campbell states.
I don’t miss the way his eyes trail over Theodon before turning his attention to me.
“We can’t all look as beautiful as the three of you,” I drawl, which has the three visitors laughing.
“Ah, Viktor, your sour demeanor has not changed,” Boxton notes. “I’m sure you’re a joy to be around for hours, days, weeks, and years at a time.”
I snort as I cross my arms over my chest. “I’m a fucking delight.”
This drags another laugh from the three of them.
“So what brings you this side, brothers?” Theodon asks easily.
“Oh, we are just passing through. We have to speak to the superiors,” Jaydon looks from me to Theodon. “We stopped here to clean up before hailing a ride to Everlast.”
Longing to see the place we call home causes a familiar and common sick feeling to settle in my gut. Swallowing down jealousy and bitterness, my gaze drifts over the three Ghosts. Jaydon is the leader of the three. He’s the tallest, with fiery red hair he’s braided out of his dirty face. Campbell is the shortest of the bunch but stocky and known for the brutality of his kills. To my surprise, his mouse brown hair is cropped short. An uncommon hairstyle for a Ghost. Boxton is barrel chested with a strong brow and dark brown hair that’s greasy from lack of proper showers.
I should have seen them before they approached the house. Instead, I dismissed the fuzziness around the edges of my vision as just another play of the sunlight filtering through the trees of the property. I was sure nothing could creep past me. A mistake that, if they had been Tanglelings, Shadebroodes, or Mornstrikes, could have very well gotten one of my brothers killed.
It still could.
I’ve let my pride get in the way of my duty to watch over my brothers. Theodon’s easy smile and quick wit keeps the three Ghosts’ attention as I stand there mulling over how foolish I’ve been. My gaze drops to the massive sacks the three Ghosts have placed strategically behind them.
“Well, since we’re here I’d love to get freshened up. Perhaps you’ll tell us about whyyou'reover on this side while we grab a bite to eat? This safehouse is never used. It was a surprise to see Viktor step out from the woods.” Boxton’s words bring me out of my thoughts of self-hatred.
Shit! No, they can’t go inside. What about Willow and Jonah? I step forward, opening my mouth to make some excuse, but Theodon shoots me a warning glare before bowing his head and stepping aside to let the others into the house.
“Of course, come on in.”
I swallow as I follow behind everyone.
“What is that delicious smell?” Campbell’s booming voice is near deafening in the small place.
As they pass the dining room, I catch Boxton and Jaydon eyeing the table pushed to the side and the chairs along the wall.
“Oh, we have guests…” Kwil’s voice startles me as we all enter the kitchen.
He stands by the stove, stirring something in a pan. Kwil’s hooded head lifts as we enter and gives everyone a nod.
“Ah, Kwil! Good to see you again!” Campbell declares loudly, dropping his sack on the floor.
The loud bang and the strange tumbling that comes from it draws my attention.