Page 61 of Ghostly Touches

I refrain from rolling my eyes. “Sleep with whomever you want, however often you want, Willow. All I’m saying is that you need to get a good night’s sleep every night if you’re going to keep up with us.”

Willow’s dramatic eye roll almost makes me want to laugh.

“Keep up, huh? Are you planning a marathon or something that I need to train for?”

I frown. “I haven’t made any plans yet, but I will think of something that will work out for all of us. We always need to be several steps ahead of any disaster. That is how I’ll keep us safe. And making sure we’re all getting the proper amount of sleep is important so we’re alert to face any dangers. I don’t want to have to worry about lugging the two of you around because you’re tired from your nightly activities.”

Her scowl comes quickly. Willow opens her mouth but shuts it while her brows relax.“Do you remember how it felt when my soul reached for yours?”

How can I forgetthatfeeling?

At my nod, she continues, “Having sex with Jonah is like feeling that but better, because I don’t have to use my power to feel it.” Her eyes search my face. “And I’m… uncomfortable, Theo. Touch alleviates it, and apparently, sex obliterates it completely.”


She nods and reaches up to touch her chest. As she does, the feeling that I couldn’t place, lodged in her eyes, becomes apparent. Willow is in pain. When she moves her arm towards me, I tense, not sure what she’s about to do. Her hand lands in front of me on the table with her palm facing up. Staring down at it, I wonder what she wants. It takes a moment to realize she wants me to hold it. I hesitate. I’m not sure if I want the contact or not. Finally, I slowly reach up and hold her hand with mine.

The tension melts out of my shoulders immediately. And that ache I was feeling in my chest before walking in here? Gone. I blink in surprise. When I take a breath, it’s deep and satisfying.

“See?” Willow gives me a knowing look.

I scowl at our hands. “So contact is necessary for all of us if we’re going to survive this.”

Damn. One more thing to have to worry about. Willow sighs.

“Ithinkwe’ll be okay without it. Touch just makes things better.” She shrugs. “And all touch is different. Like this is great and all, but last night…”

As she trails off, a smile curves her full lips upwards.

She must have seen the skepticism on my face because she lets go of my hand and stands. Like a fool, my hand flounders as I try to recapture the moment. Willow walks around the table and comes up behind me.

“Look, let me know if this doesn’t feel better.”

Her words are followed by her hands falling to my shoulders. When her thumbs press down hard into the muscle, magic happens. Her touch, mixed with the exact amount of pressure to ease the tightness there, elicits such an unusual sound from my lips that I’m not quite sure what it is. A grunt? Moan? A mixture of both? I lean back into the touch as Willow begins to knead my shoulders.

“See? All touch is different.” Willow laughs softly.

I’m melting. Certainly, that’s what's happening to me under Willow’s touch. Well, parts of me are wilting. Other parts, I glance down at my erection, are still quite firm. Willow’s hands slide over my shoulders and down my front. Her fingers dig into my chest, massaging and kneading everywhere they touch. As they move lower down to my stomach, Willow’s breath hits my ear.

“Alltouch is different,” she whispers.

Her hands disappear as she walks around to stand beside me. My body turns of its own accord, like a magnet chasing its polar opposite, until I sit sideways in the chair. My eyes search Willow’s face. Her eyes twinkle as a slow, mischievous smile spreads across her face. When she sinks to her knees before me, my breath hitches in my throat. Her eyes never leave my face as her hands fall to my thighs and slide up them slowly.

When one of her hands finds the bulge in my pants, I let out a shaky breath. She undoes the zipper. There’s a voice in my head yelling at me to stop this. But it’s so faint I’m surely just hearing things. The moment her hands touch my erection, I choke on a gasp of surprise. Pulling it free from its confines, the necromancer leans forward and whispers, “Let me show you what I’m talking about, my king.”

My king… before it was a statement. Now it’s an endearment. It shouldn’t affect me. The two words strung together should have rolled off me just like anything else. Instead, they sink into my consciousness and do something to me. My erection grows harder, and my willpower begins to crumble.

I should stop her. I’ve made vows. My mind must remain clear. But as she wraps her lips around my dick, any noble intention vanishes. A kaleidoscope of colors explodes in front of my eyes. I swear I can taste each color, feel them against my skin. My entire body shudders hard under the pleasure her lips create. Willow’s mouth is warm and wet. Her tongue travels up my length and twirls around the tip before she sucks gently against the sensitive head. The sensation is… is… I have no words.

Just as I allow my thoughts to melt away, I’m jerked back into the moment at the sound of booming laughter and voices traveling through the small house. Willow’s mouth pulls away from me in an instant, and in the next I’m on my feet, tucking in my throbbing dick. I nearly jump over her as alarm blossoms in my chest. Where’s Kwil?

“Ghosts are here,” I tell Willow, who’s scrambling to her feet. “Get to your room and stay there. Keep Jonah in there, too. You can’t be seen!”

I hope she listens. There’s no time to stick around to make sure she does as she’s told. I head straight towards the front door. As I approach, I can hear Viktor speaking to the others. His voice is loud. It's a purposeful volume. It’s a warning to those of us inside that should have been givenbeforethe newcomers reached the front door. With my blood running cold, I fling open the door and step outside.

All four Ghosts turn as I step out.

Jaydon, Boxton, and Campbell have not changed in the slightest. Age has yet to touch these Fae, despite their years. Veterans in our career choice, these Ghosts are legends themselves in the whispers of the Brotherhood.