“And – for her companion, my Lord?”

Jonathan frowned.


“Yes, my Lord. Lady Havisham has a companion by the name of Miss Fullerton. She also requires a room.”

“Ah.” Twisting his mouth to one side, Jonathan considered. He could not give her a servant’s room, for the companion would be much above that. However, she was not as high in status as either himself or his mother so would not be placed near them either. He bit his lip. “The small bedchamber to the rear of the house would suit her very well.”

The butler’s brows flickered but he did not say anything, choosing only to nod.

“Is there something the matter?”

“No, my Lord. It is only that the green bedchamber – the one of which you speak – will require some hours of preparation. It is under dust covers and has not been used in some time.”

Jonathan’s frustration grew.

“That does not matter,” he stated, unwilling to change his mind. “The companion will have to wait until it is prepared.”

Inclining his head, the butler took his leave without another word, leaving Jonathan to wallow in his frustration and upset. Raking one hand through his hair, he let out a long, heavy breath and closed his eyes tightly again.Why did I forget about that letter?If he had read it, then he would have had time to make preparation to return to Bath and leave the townhouse ready for his mother. Now that she was here – and he also – there was no simple way to remove himself to Bath without his mother either insisting that she join him or heaping so much guilt upon him that he would decide, thereafter, not to go to Bath after all.

The entire Season now stretched out before him like a dull river, muddy and brown, whereas only a few minutes ago, he had seen it sparkling and bright. With his mother always watching him, always encouraging him to speak to one lady or the next, he would be troubled, frustrated, and irritated by her presence and her company – but he could do nothing about it now.

Taking in a deep breath, Jonathan lifted his chin and walked around his desk towards the door. He would have to make the best of it. Certainly, he could attempt to make sure that his mother was always distracted by some event or other and could be quite plain in his expectations but, even then, Jonathan was certain that she would continue as she had always done.

As he walked quickly to the drawing-room, Jonathan’s heart sank lower with every step that he took. When it came time for him to step into the room, he paused, drawing in another long breath, setting his shoulders, and forcing a smile he did not truly feel to his lips.

And then he stepped inside.

“No, no, she is to go in the room next to my own.” His mother was busy directing something towards the butler, who was standing with his hands clasped behind his back, nodding slowly. “That will do her very well. Ah, there you are! Come and greet your dear mother. It has been some time, has it not?”

Jonathan smiled and walked towards her, his hand outstretched to take hers. Pressing a kiss to it, he took his mother in. She was just as he remembered her – only half a head shorter than himself, with piercing green eyes and white hair which shone with strands of gold.

“It is good to see you, mother.” A little surprised that the sentiment was quite true, Jonathan’s smile grew. “It has indeed been some time.”

“It has been near to three years, my dear boy.” His mother’s smile was fixed, her eyes a little sharp. “I was sorry not to see you last Season. Or at Christmas time. I had thought that you might come to visit for a short while.”

“Alas, the roads were very bad, and I dared not attempt the journey.” Jonathan put one hand to his heart, knowing full well that, whilst that was true, it had not been the reason for his absence. “But you had your companion, did you not?” He glanced about the room but did not see the lady. “I quite forget her name.”

“Miss Fullerton.” Lady Havisham’s eyes were slightly narrowed now as if she had expected better of him. “You have not met her yet, as I recall.”

Jonathan shook his head.

“No, I have not. But if she has brought you a little contentedness, then I am very happy to have you both here.” That lie slipped easily through his lips, but his mother did not look convinced. Evidently, she knew him a little too well to accept such a thing without hesitation. Clearing his throat, Jonathan looked all around the room again. “And where is Miss Fullerton?”

“I have sent her to my bedchamber with my things and then she is to settle her own things in the blue room.”

Frowning, Jonathan glanced sidelong at his butler who was standing with his hands clasped in front of him, his face impassive.

“Mother, I have told the butler to place Miss Fullerton in the bedchamber at the back of the house. It is more than suitable for a companion.”

“And I have told Armstrong not to be ridiculous,” came the sharp reply. “That room is still under dustcovers, is it not? I recall it being so when I was here last Season. And since youclearlywere not expecting my arrival, I assume that it is still in such a state? Whereas the blue bedchamber will only require a little dusting and clean sheets for the bed. Is that not so?”

Jonathan wanted to protest, but one look into his mother’s face and he knew that it would be pointless. Perhaps it was that Miss Fullerton, being a little older, would require a room that was largely free of dust so that her lungs did not trouble her. Sighing, Jonathan threw up both hands and gave the butler a sharp nod. He departed quickly, leaving Jonathan and his mother alone.

“Shall we sit down?” Jonathan gestured to a comfortable chair by the fireplace, and Lady Havisham sat down quickly, sinking back with a soft smile on her face.

“It is pleasant to be comfortable once more. The carriage journey was rather arduous.” She smiled at him. “Thankfully, I had Miss Fullerton to keep me company.”