“That is good.” Jonathan tried to picture the lady in his mind, considering her to be of an age with his mother. “And you have found her beneficial for you?”

“Indeed, she is quite lovely,” came the reply. “A very kind lady, I must say. She is always thinking of others and wondering what she might do to please them. I have found her to be most generous in spirit.”

“And what is her background?”

Lady Havisham smiled.

“She is the daughter of a Viscount.”

“I see.” Jonathan tilted his head, thinking that it must have been very difficult for such a lady to have been forced into employment once her father had passed away. “He did not leave her any fortune? No wealth or situation to speak of?”

A darkness crossed Lady Havisham’s face and Jonathan knew he already had his answer. Clearly his mother was displeased with the situation that her companion had found herself in. That was not surprising. Despite his frustrations with her, Jonathan knew that his mother had a gentle, compassionate heart.

“She never married? Or had opportunity?”

“Not as yet, no.”

Jonathan hid a smile as the door opened to allow in the maid with the tea trays. His mother was always so very optimistic and even now was clearly hoping that her companion would find a suitable match and situation rather than remain in service. It would be one thing to hope for such a thing if the lady was of the right age, but to consider a lady who had already passed by her most eligible years was quite another!

“Ah, there you are!”

Lady Havisham’s voice rang out as she sat up in her chair and beckoned someone forward. Jonathan turned his head just as a young lady stepped into the room.

His heart slammed hard against his chest. Who was this remarkable creature? She was dressed in a simple day dress although her gentle curves were more than apparent. Her very dark hair was pulled back from her face, highlighting the alabaster of her skin. Her brown eyes jumped from Lady Havisham to his own and then cast downward to the floor as she walked forward, her hands held gently in front of her.

This cannot be…Jonathan’s eyes flared as he realized thatthiswas his mother’s companion. He had assumed that she would be a good deal older, that she would have been closer to his own mother’s age, but it appeared that he had been quite mistaken. His mind began to whirl with questions as regarded the lady. Why had she not already had her own Season? Why was she here with his mother rather than making her come out in London?

“Might I present Miss Deborah Fullerton?” When Jonathan caught his mother’s eye, he saw her knowing smile and felt his stomach twist. “Miss Fullerton is my companion and has been so these last few years. I was once friends with her aunt, the late Miss Uddingston, and promised that should it be required, I would take on Miss Fullerton as my own companion. Itwasrequired and we have found ourselves both very happy, I think.”

Miss Fullerton smiled but her cheeks flared with color as she caught Jonathan’s eyes.

“I am very glad to meet you, my Lord.” Bobbing a curtsey, she kept her head bowed low as he attempted to respond. His tongue felt too big for his mouth, shock still rippling through him and sending sparks to his fingers and toes. Clearing his throat gruffly, he got to his feet and bowed, although he did not hold out his hand toward her as he might have done with other guests.

“Miss Fullerton.”

“Miss Fullerton, my son, the Earl of Havisham.”

She curtsied again, then dropped her head as her cheeks burned with color, realizing her mistake.

“Thank you for permitting me to reside here for the Season, my Lord.”

Jonathan opened his mouth to say that he had not had any knowledge of their arrival but then quickly shut it again, deciding that it would be unwise to say anything given her clear embarrassment.

“But of course, my dear,” his mother said, firmly. “Now, sit to take tea with us. You will be very weary from the journey I expect, since I too feel rather fatigued.”

Jonathan jumped up. There was no longer a desire to stay with his mother and take tea with her no, not when so much shock was still running through him.

“I will dine with you later, mother.” Seeing the flickering frown on his mother’s face, he bent over her hand. “I have much business to see to and if I am to dine with you this evening, then I must complete it this afternoon so that I have nothing but my freedom this evening.”

Lady Havisham sighed but nodded.

“Very well. I shall stay here with Miss Fullerton. Until this evening, then?”

Nodding, Jonathan dared not cast another glance towards Miss Fullerton for fear that he would say something foolish and embarrass himself. The surprise that had overcome him upon seeing her had still not dissipated and as he walked to the door, Jonathan found his hands clenching and unclenching in a vain attempt to rid himself of all that he felt.

“She is not reaching her dotage, then.” Closing the door behind him, Jonathan continued to mutter to himself as he walked back towards his study. “Why ever would such a lady become a companion rather than join society as she ought?”

A line formed between his brows as he struggled to push away the many questions which now burned in his mind. He had no need to have them answered. The lady was his mother’s companion, nothing more. Why she was a companion and not out in society was not his business. The only thing that was required of him was to make certain that she was cared for by his staff and given all that was needed so that she, in turn, could take care of his mother.