The sharp voice of Lady Havisham cut across the room and Jonathan turned to permit her entry into their small group.

“I know that you are eager to wed my son but there is no reason to speak lies about Miss Fullerton in a vain attempt to gain what you will never have!” Lady Havisham’s voice was calm and clear and, yet again, the murmuring around them came to a slow stop. Everyone in the room was listening to what Lady Havisham had to say and Jonathan was suddenly very grateful indeed for his mother’s presence. “My son has made his choice, Lady Vivian. In case you are unaware, Miss Fullerton is the lady he has come to care for. They are now courting.”

Jonathan heard the surprise run around the room between the onlookers but kept his face set, taking another small step closer to Miss Fullerton and, even though it was not the expected thing for any gentleman to do, putting his hand out to catch hers. Her fingers were ice cold, and he squeezed her hand gently, in an attempt to reassure her. Miss Fullerton did not so much as glance at him.

“Miss Fullerton came as my companion, yes, but I can assure you, Lady Vivian, her father is very much aware of her situation and standing. I am astonished to hear such falsehoods from you! You are a lady of quality, and for you to spread such rumors and slander is quite beyond the pale.” She gestured towards Jonathan, and he caught the redness in her face. His mother was clearly very angry. “My son will not be your husband, Lady Vivian, and I am certain we would all appreciate it if you could remain silent about any matters relating to him and Miss Fullerton in the future.”

Part of him wanted to applaud his mother’s remarks but Jonathan settled for smiling broadly instead. Lady Vivian, however, did not quail before Lady Havisham as he had expected. Her shoulders did not drop, her gaze did not fall to the ground and, indeed, she did not show even the smallest sign of embarrassment.

“You may say as much as you please about Lord Ingleby’s awareness of Miss Fullerton’s situation, such as it stands, but I am certain that what you claim is not the case. Indeed, I have written to Lord Ingleby, informing him that Miss Fullerton is seeking to arrange a marriage for herself and received only this morning a very short but appreciative note in return.” She smiled, the coldness in her eyes sending a chill down Jonathan’s back. “From what I understand, the uncertainty around Miss Fullerton’s birth has left Lord Ingleby determined that she will not achieve the rank shesupposedlyought to hold, given that she is – most likely – not a lady of quality at all!”

Jonathan could not listen to another word. Miss Fullerton’s hand had tightened on his with practically every word Lady Vivian had said, and whether or not any of it was true, he did not want to have her injured any further. He should have put a stop to Lady Vivian’s determined conversation long before now.

“That is quite enough.” His voice rang through the room, filled with a severity which forced the smile from Lady Vivian’s face. “How dare you speak so? This is utterly preposterous, and I find the fact that you are attempting to speak untruths about the lady I am nowcourtingto be deeply upsetting. Were you a gentleman, then I would call you out for such behavior!”

Lady Vivian’s face whitened.

“Whatever is the meaning of this?”

In a trice, Lady Havisham had caught the attention of Lady Vivian’s mother, the Countess of Marlock, who had suddenly appeared next to her daughter’s side. Before Lady Vivian could say a word in her own defense, Lady Havisham explained all.

“I am afraid, Lady Marlock, that your daughter has been speaking both unkindly and falsely about my companion, Miss Fullerton.” She gestured to Miss Fullerton, who raised her chin a fraction, although she herself remained quite silent. “There are untruths being spoken about her legitimacy as Lord Ingleby’s daughter, which my son, given that he is now courting Miss Fullerton, will not tolerate. And nor will I, for that matter.”

“She has spoken of these things with such a loud voice that the entirety of this room has heard every word,” Jonathan informed Lady Marlock, who was now herself going puce. “As I have said, I am now courting Miss Fullerton and I am greatly upset at such rumors being spread! I confess myself to be deeply offended, Lady Marlock, and beg that you take your daughter away for the moment and, at a suitable time thereafter, have her apologize to Miss Fullertonandto myself.”

It was as if the whole room held its breath, waiting for Lady Marlock’s response. Either she could state that Jonathan had no right to demand such things, and come to her daughter’s defense, or she could immediately do as he had asked and remove Lady Vivian from the room. The latter would ensure that the rest of those present believed that Miss Fullerton had been severely wronged by Lady Vivian, whereas the former might convince them that something, indeed, was amiss between Lord Ingleby and his daughter.

Taking a deep breath, Lady Marlock raised her hand and settled it on her daughter’s shoulder. Lady Vivian looked towards her mother and then turned her gaze back towards Jonathan. A small, triumphant smile settled across her face and Jonathan’s heart sank.

“I am deeply sorry, Lord Havisham, for what my daughter has done. I am deeply ashamed to hear of what she has done and unspeakably angry at the shame she has brought on her name and on that of her father and myself.” Jonathan let out a surreptitious breath of relief, keeping his stance tall and his expression somewhat dark. “I will depart at this very moment, and you can be certain that an apology will be given very soon indeed.” Lady Marlock looked down at her daughter and Jonathan also turned his gaze to Lady Vivian. It appeared that there was something of shock in Lady Vivian over the response from her mother, for her eyes were wide and her mouth a little ajar. “Vivian?”

Lady Marlock’s tone brooked no argument and, after a few moments, Lady Vivian bowed her head, her shoulders slumping in defeat.

“Yes, of course, Mama.”

“I can only beg your forgiveness, Miss Fullerton,” Lady Marlock continued, gesturing to the young lady. “May I take this moment to wish your courtship success. I know that you will have made many young ladies very envious indeed.”

She shot a hard look to her daughter, and then without another word, stepped away. Lady Vivian followed in her wake, her head drooping and all sense of victory quite gone from her. The door opened and then was closed behind them and Jonathan let out a long sigh of relief, which was soon followed by a good many others in the room.

“Miss Fullerton.”

Turning to her and ignoring the hubbub of conversation which immediately began to grow within the room, he grasped both of her hands and looked down into her eyes.

They were filled with tears.

His heart ached for her. She had maintained her composure throughout the conversation with Lady Vivian and had not allowed her to see any sort of pain, not even for a single moment. But now that she was standing with him, in the absence of Lady Vivian and her mother, her true emotions were coming to the fore.

“You did remarkably well, my dear.” Lady Havisham slipped one arm about Miss Fullerton’s shoulders. “I should like to encourage you to return home, but I think that it would be best if we remained here at present. For a short while, at least.”

Jonathan nodded his agreement.

“If you can manage a few short minutes, Miss Fullerton, then it would be best for you to remain. The present guests will be watching for your reaction and, if we depart in a hurry, they will think you angry and upset – and a good deal more gossip could come from that.” He pressed her hands again, seeing her blink her tears away, swallowing hard as she did so. “What say you, Miss Fullerton? Are you able to remain? If you wish to depart then I will, of course, accompany you.”

She took a moment but then nodded, swallowing tightly again.

“I can stay.” Her voice was thin, but her eyes no longer held tears. “Thank you, Lord Havisham, Lady Havisham.” A smile was attempted but quickly faltered. “That was quite horrifying.”

Jonathan nodded, then released one of her hands.