“I think that a good deal of gossip will be prevented, given Lady Marlock’s reaction.”

“I must hope so, although…” Closing her eyes tightly, Miss Fullerton drew in a shaky breath. “Lady Vivian stated that she wrote to my father. I am not certain that her statement was false.”

Frowning, Jonathan glanced at his mother, only to see lines forming across her brow also. Clearly, there was something of grave concern in such a statement but, as yet, he did not understand it.

“Let us think upon such things once we are at home and you have recovered, Miss Fullerton.” Lady Havisham’s frown lingered, but her words were calming. “There is a good deal to consider, yes, but you must recover yourself. Your head will be much too muddled otherwise.”

Jonathan smiled, nodding as Miss Fullerton opened her eyes and looked up at him.

“Shall I fetch you something to drink?”

“Yes, thank you.”

Sharing a long look with his mother, Jonathan squeezed Miss Fullerton’s hand once more.

“You are contented with my statement that we are now courting, I hope?”

This brought the most beautiful, warm smile to Miss Fullerton’s lips that Jonathan had ever seen. It made his heart lift, joy pouring into his soul and pushing aside the confusion and fear which had been there only a few minutes ago.

“I am very contented, Lord Havisham. That is, if it is what you truly desire?”

“It is,” he confirmed, as she lowered her eyes demurely although her smile still lingered. “And I consider myself to be the most fortunate of gentlemen, Miss Fullerton, to have been accepted by you.” When she glanced up at him, Jonathan laughed at the pink in her cheeks. “Come now, let me leave you to the care of my mother and fetch us all something to drink. I will return shortly.”

“Thank you, Lord Havisham.” Her voice was soft, but her smile beautiful. Whatever it was as regarded her father, Jonathan was quite determined that they would overcome it. Nothing more would keep him from his future with Miss Fullerton.

Chapter Seventeen

‘Ihave written to Lord Ingleby, informing him that Miss Fullerton is seeking to arrange a marriage for herself and received only this morning a very short but appreciative note in return.’

Deborah closed her eyes and shuddered. Those words had not left her mind since they had first been spoken by Lady Vivian and even now, she felt them terrify her all over again. If Lady Vivian had received a note, then Deborah was quite certain that her father would not be long behind. He would want to make certain that she was no longer permitted to do as she had been, that she was not to be seen as a lady of quality. No doubt he would do all that he could to try to remove her from London entirely, and that would mean an end to her connection to Lord Havisham!

“Although, as Lady Havisham has engaged me as a companion and has paid father for my company,” she told herself as she walked slowly towards the dining room, ready to break her fast. “If Lady Havisham has given him the required coin, then can he demand that I leave her house?”

The question did not answer itself, however, and Deborah let out a heavy sigh, her forehead lined with confusion. Reaching the door, she took a deep breath and then set her shoulders, forcing a smile to her face.

Walking inside, Deborah stopped short at the sight of both Lady Havisham and Lord Havisham sitting together at the table. It was most unusual for Lord Havisham to be present for breaking their fast, given that he was usually still abed, although from the broad, welcoming smile on his face, he seemed to be delighted to be here at this early hour.

Deborah’s smile grew, despite her warring confusion. When he had stated yesterday, in the course of conversation, that he was now courting her, Deborah had been caught up with both confusion and delight. It had taken her some time to believe that it was true, and that he trulydidwant to court her, but when he had confirmed it to her, Deborah’s heart had never known such joy. The same joy she felt at simply being in his presence once more.

“Come and sit down, my dear.”

Lady Havisham and Lord Havisham both rose from the table and Deborah hurried to join them, blushing just a little as Lord Havisham came to help her seat herself, rather than leaving it to one of the footmen. His hand brushed across her shoulder for a moment as he smiled down into her eyes.

“You look lovely this morning, my dear.”

Her blush deepened, but she did not drop her gaze from his eyes.

“Thank you, Lord Havisham. I am glad to be back in your company this morning.”

“As I am also, to be in yours.”

His fingers pressed her shoulder lightly, but then he returned to his seat, his eyes still lingering on her as her heart quickened.

“You look fatigued, my dear.” Lady Havisham gestured to one of the footmen, who quickly stepped forward to pour tea for Deborah, and then brought a piece of toast already buttered, just as she liked it. “We are all prepared for you, as you can see.”

Deborah smiled her appreciation.

“I thank you.”