“You will be glad to know, I think, that the gossip this morning centers solely on Lady Vivian, rather than on you.”

Looking up, Deborah held fast to Lord Havisham’s gaze, a knot in her chest.


“There was always going to be gossip, my dear, but it is good that thetonhave not thought ill of you. Lady Vivian will be expected to make a grand apology.”

Deborah swallowed hard, letting out a slow breath. It was time to tell Lord Havisham the truth about her father.

“She is not entirely mistaken in all that she said, Lord Havisham.” Seeing his brows lift, Deborah closed her eyes in mortification. “My father has never outright refused to acknowledge me. However, he has always insisted that he could not be certain of my mother’s devotion to him. I believe around the time of my conception, there was a particular friendship between my mother and a gentleman who lived near our estate. My mother always denied such a thing, begging him to trust her, to believe her, but he was quite determined that she was guilty.” Her cheeks were hot, but she forced herself to continue speaking regardless, opening her eyes but looking down at the table rather than at Lord Havisham. It needed all to be said, so that Lord Havisham was in no doubt as to her present situation. “It could never be proven, of course, but my father made it clear that he did not truly consider me his daughter – stating this all the more when my mother passed away. Determined that I should never be treated as a lady of quality, he refused my request for a Season, and instead sought out a position for me as either a governess or companion.” She gestured to Lady Havisham, who was smiling gently. “It is only due to your mother’s kindness that I becamehercompanion and, thereafter, was permitted to step forward into my place as a lady of society.”

A short silence followed her words and Deborah dragged her gaze up towards Lord Havisham’s face, afraid of what she would see there. His brow was furrowed, his lips tight and his jaw thrust forward.

Her head bowed again. He was angry with her. Angry that she had not told him all from the very beginning and mayhap even angry that he had tied himself to her without knowing the truth of her circumstances.

“How very cruel a gentleman he must be.” Her eyes flew to his, widening in surprise as she realized that his anger was not directed at her, but rather towards her father. “To think so little of your mother – his wife – and then to treat you with that same unmerited disdain?” Lord Havisham shook his head, a slight redness coming into his face. “That is despicable.”

A weakness rolled through her, such was her relief at his understanding, to the point that she had to lean forward and put one hand to her head, her elbow resting on the arm of the chair.

“You surely did not think that I would turn away from you?” she heard Lord Havisham say. “I am a changed man, Miss Fullerton, which has come about solely because of your presence in my home.”

The soft scraping of a chair caught her ears and the next moment, his arms were around her, pulling her gently to stand so that he might hold her close. Deborah’s eyes closed as she rested her head against his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart. She was safe here, safe in his arms, and the threat of her father suddenly seemed to disappear.

“We must still take care.” Lady Havisham’s voice interrupted them, and Lord Havisham pulled back gently, although one arm still lingered around her waist. “If Lady Vivian has written to your father – which, I believe, she has done – then there is every possibility that Lord Ingleby will be in London within the next few days.”

“Do you think it possible that he would attempt to take Miss Fullerton back to his estate?” Lord Havisham asked, as Deborah began to nod. “Even though we are courting?”

“I think that would be his sole purpose,” Lady Havisham replied, as Deborah sighed heavily. “He does not want Miss Fullerton to gain any sort of standing, as she has mentioned.”

“And I do not think that my employment will make any difference.”

Lord Havisham let out a long breath.

“Then I must depart.”

Deborah’s head swiveled towards him.


“I must make some arrangements!” Lord Havisham grinned suddenly, confusing her all the more with his seeming delight at this possible dark occurrence. “Have no fear, Miss Fullerton, you need not worry about your father. There is going to be nothing to concern you any longer, I assure you. I will return very soon.”

Swallowing her confusion, Deborah tried to nod.

“Very well.”

His lips brushed her forehead, his hands catching both of hers, squeezing them gently.

“Do you trust me, Deborah?”

It was the first time he had said her name and Deborah’s heart lifted with warmth and delight.

“I do trust you, yes.”

“Then trust that I will return soon, and that all will be well.”

She smiled, looking up into his eyes.

“I look forward to your return, Havisham.”