* * *

“Miss Fullerton.”Deborah jerked awake from her doze, a little embarrassed to have been caught so. Lady Havisham smiled gently but did not move away from the door. “Come.” Rising from her chair a little unsteadily, Deborah’s heart began to quicken as she came towards Lady Havisham. “It seems that my greatest hope has been achieved, my dear,” she said, as Deborah listened in breathless anticipation, aware that there was something of significance about to take place, but having no understanding as to what that might be. “If you would make your way to the front door, he will be waiting for you.”

She grasped Deborah’s hand for a moment, then held out one hand into the hallway, as if guiding her through. Tears began to burn in Deborah’s eyes, but she blinked them away, feeling a great sense of excited expectation beginning to burn in her heart. With hurried steps, she made her way down the staircase and to the front of the house, her breath catching as Lord Havisham turned towards her.

She was in his arms in a moment, clinging to him as though she could never let him go. Lord Havisham held her tightly, his lips close to her ear as he murmured to her, comforting her, thanking her for trusting him.

“I have returned, as I promised.” His breath whispered across her cheek, and Deborah shivered, lifting her head to look up into his eyes. “I know that you have been waiting for many hours. I do hope you have eaten?”

“Dinner was a few hours ago.” A little concerned, she put one hand on his chest. “Did you expect us to wait for you?”

Laughing, Lord Havisham shook his head.

“No, indeed not. I wanted to make sure thatyouwould not be overly hungry on our long journey. That is all.”

Her eyes flared.

“Long journey?”

“Yes.” His voice softened, one hand cupping her chin. “I have thought about the dangers which lie before us as regards your father. If he should come to London as you expect, then he might very well attempt to remove you from my arms. Thus, to make certain that does not happen, we must find a way to make certain he cannot.”

A little confused, Deborah said nothing, waiting for him to explain. Lord Havisham smiled, his eyes gleaming like emeralds, his fair hair falling over his forehead as he bent his head low.

“I thought that we should make our way to Scotland. There is only one way to keep your father from taking you back home, and that is to make you my wife.”

Deborah stared at him, hardly able to take it in. Was she to become Lord Havisham’s wife?

“You have not said a word!” Lord Havisham laughed, pulling her even closer. “Pray do not say that you will refuse me? Not when I have fallen so deeply in love with you!” His smile softened as he spoke, and Deborah heard the truth in every single word. She could not take it in; it was all far too wonderful. To know that this gentleman had come to love her in the same way that she cared for him was more than astonishing and yet the joy and happiness that filled her told her that it was true. “Deborah?”

Her eyes closed and she leaned into him, her head on his chest, listening to the steady thrum of his heart.

“I love you.”

His lips brushed the top of her forehead and Deborah lifted her head in response, her eyes still closed. The gentle heat of his lips on her own sent tremors of delight through her frame as he caught her hand, resting it gently against his heart.

“You will marry me?”

She smiled against his mouth, dazed with all that she felt.

“I will.”

“Then there is no time to waste.” Before she could respond, he bent low and, one hand under her knees, lifted her cleanly off her feet. Deborah laughed and put her arms around his neck, seeing the way that his eyes danced.

“The carriage is ready and waiting. My mother has packed a valise for you.” Turning his head a little more, he leaned down and caught her lips again in a quick kiss, making Deborah sigh with contentment. “You shall never be fearful again, Deborah. Never be treated as though you are worthless. In my eyes, you are the most beautiful, wonderful, and marvelous creature I have ever known – and I intend to make certain that you feel that every single day.”

Deborah smiled and dropped her head onto his shoulder as he held her close, walking through the door and down the stone steps to the carriage. She had nothing to fear any longer. Lord Havisham had saved her with his love and Deborah could do nothing other than love him in return.

I hopeyou enjoyed Deborah’s story. I am glad Lord Havisham turned out so much better than what he originally appeared! If you missed the first book in the Ladies on their Own series, check out More Than a Companion. Read ahead for a sneak peak of the story!

My Dear Reader

Thank you for reading and supportingmy books! I hope this story brought you some escape from the real world into the always captivating Regency world. A good story, especially one with a happy ending, just brightens your day and makes you feel good! If you enjoyed the book, would you leave a review on Amazon? Reviews are always appreciated.

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The Duke’s Daughters: A Sweet Regency Romance Boxset