Her hand slid down his shoulder and to where his hand rested on the arm of the chair.

“Lord Addenbrook, if I can remain here as governess, I would be most contented. I am happy here. I love Henry dearly and I love –” She closed her eyes, her words stuttering. “I love my position here. It is not exactly what I am used to, but I have become so very happy that I cannot think of what I should do if you turn me away.”

Shaking his head, Lord Addenbrook ran his hand over his eyes.

“Miss Trean – that is, Lady Albina, I do not know what I ought to do.” The deep browns and greens in his eyes swirled as he gazed back into her eyes. “If I send you away, will you return to your parents?”

Albina shook her head.

“I will go to Mrs. Stanley,” she told him, knowing full well that she might, one day, have to return to her parents regardless, for if she could not find another position then she would have no other choice but to do so. “If I return to them now, given my absence, the only thing that my father will seek to do is to have me wed Lord Kingston as soon as possible.”

“Do you think Lord Kingston will still wish to wed you?”

Albina smiled sadly.

“I am certain of it. I have realized that he is more than a little determined to gain whatever it is he wishes and that to be refused something which he expects to be granted will infuriate him severely. Besides which, I do not think that the entirety of thetonbelieve him to be as faultless as he presents himself to be. He wants a wife so that he can appear respectable whilst continuing on just as he pleases.” She spread her hands. “In addition, my father has promised the most excessive dowry to whichever gentleman weds me, and it may be that Lord Kingston has need of such coin. But Icannotbe his wife.”

“I would never force you into that position, Lady Albina.” Lord Addenbrook pulled his hand gently from hers. “I cannot say what I will do at present, but I will consider everything carefully.”

Albina closed her eyes, hiding her tears from him.

“Until then, you will continue with Henry. The house party is ending tomorrow with the grand Ball and, thereafter, I will think about what we will do.”

Albina started as something touched her cheek and when she opened her eyes, she saw Lord Addenbrook’s eyes gazing straight into hers, his hand still at her cheek.

“I am sorry I did not tell you the truth.”

He gave her a small smile.

“I understand why you did not. Now that I am acquainted with Lord Kingston, I canfullyunderstand your reasons.” His eyes moved to her shoulders, to his jacket which covered her bare arm. “I do not care about what he will say of me, Lady Albina. It will be refuted. Regardless, that gentleman is no gentleman at all, and I do not want him in my house any longer.”

Albina could not help but lean into his hand. She longed for him to hold her, grew desperate for his arms to go about her, but he did not move forward.

“Did you find out any more from the injured messenger?”

Lord Addenbrook shook his head.

“He was still much too unwell to speak. But when he recovers more, I shall return to him.” Sighing, he pulled his hand away. “And you should make your way back to your bedchamber, Lady Albina.”

“Miss Trean,” she reminded him, a sad smile pulling gently at her lips. “For the moment, I am Miss Trean.”

Nodding, Lord Addenbrook rose to his feet and then held out one hand towards her. Taking it, Albina allowed him to tug her upwards, finding her legs still a little weak and wobbly but feeling a good deal better than before. “I thank you.”

“I will personally see that Lord Kingston has taken his leave,” he told her, his hand still warm on hers. “You have nothing to fear now.”

Albina smiled but lowered her gaze. She could not look at him for long, not when her heart was aching for him so.

“Thank you, Lord Addenbrook.”

She wanted to say more but found she could not. But when he lifted her hand to his lips and brushed a kiss across the back of her hand, Albina’s heart burst into life, sending fire raging through her. For a moment, it seemed as though Lord Addenbrook would catch her up in his arms, just as she hoped, but then he released her hand and stepped to one side, clearing his throat gruffly as he did so.

The moment was gone, and all Albina could do now was wait to see what Lord Addenbrook would decide to do with her – and what could so easily be either built up or broken between them.

Chapter Thirteen

Patrick had assumed that by the time the Ball came around, he would no longer be as shocked nor as stunned by what Miss Trean – that is, Lady Albina – had told him. However, even though his guests had high expectations of him for the evening, the only thing Patrick wanted to do was think. The music, the chatter, the laughter, and the gaiety did nothing but frustrate him and the clear expectations from his guests that he would dance with each of the eligible young ladies was greatly irritating.

She is a lady.