“Lord Kingston.”

It was not a question but still, Albina nodded.

“He came in search of me. He came up to my bedchamber.”

“I am truly sorry, Miss Trean.” Shrugging out of his jacket, he quickly wrapped it around her shoulders, covering her bare arm. “I have sent Lord Kingston away.”

Gently, he led her towards a chair and helped her to sit down in it before he stood a little way back from her. Albina saw the way his hands curled tight, aware of the tightness in his frame.

“He will attempt to ruin your good name.” Her voice wobbled but she lifted her chin, fearing that he would be injured by Lord Kingston’s malice. “You have told me yourself that you wish for all of society to think well of you.” Crossing her hands, she pulled his jacket a little more closely around her, appreciating the warmth. “It will not be so if Lord Kingston returns to London and informs thetonof what has occurred. He will speak naught but lies about you and then all that you have worked so hard to achieve will be broken in an instant.”

“Then let him do so.” Albina blinked in surprise. “Do you really think that I could simply allow him to treat you with such disrespect and continue on as my guest?” Lord Addenbrook drew closer to her but then bent down so that he was looking up into her face rather than towering over her. “Let him say what he wishes. I will refute it all. I will have those from the house party who will give their consideration of the situation and thus, the damage will be limited.” His eyes were soft, and Albina’s heart quickened. “Miss Trean, you must know that there are feelings I am battling with at present. Given what we have shared, it cannot come as a surprise to you. But I will never permit myself to overstep. It would not be right. Lord Kingston may not behave as a gentleman ought, but I must hope that I can attempt to do right against his wrong.”

Albina swallowed.

“Not even if I return such feelings?”

Lord Addenbrook bowed his head as if battling within himself. A quiet groan reached her ears as she waited for her answer.

“It is not as simple as that. To take any action would be to ruin you.”

There was no mention of matrimony and Albina’s heart sank. In her position as governess, she could never even hope for such a thing. That had been a foolish thought.

But if I tell him the truth….

He spoke again, his voice soft and agonized.

“You mean so very much to Henry and have become dear to me also,” he continued, unaware of her current thoughts. “But I cannot injure him and thus my feelings must remain where they are at present – hidden within my heart.” His lips twisted. “There is a situation where I might consider….” Shaking his head, he took in a deep breath. “At present, with my brother absent and my nephew residing with me, I must think only of them.”

The sudden ache in Albina’s heart forced the truth to her lips.

“There is something I must tell you.” Taking in a deep breath and aware that she was still shaking slightly, Albina reached out and set her hand gently on his shoulder. “You have trusted me, and I must now tell you that I have, from the start, broken that trust. Not because I wished to, but because I had no choice.” Seeing the way his eyes flared, Albina closed hers, unable to see his face as she told him the truth. “My name is not Miss Trean.” Lord Addenbrook’s swift intake of breath forced her eyes open. “I am Lady Albina Waterford.” Her heart was in her throat as she continued to tell him the truth. “My father wished to force me into matrimony with none other than Lord Kingston.”

His eyes searched her face, wide with shock.

“You are his missing betrothed.”

“I did not ever consent to wed him,” Albina told him, speaking quickly as heat ran straight through her, followed by an icy cold that made her shiver. “An incident occurred which made me think very little of his character, but my father was most insistent. I could not bear the thought of being wife to a gentleman whom I despised – and who cared very little for me.”

Lord Addenbrook closed his eyes.

“And so, you sought another way out.”

“I could not remain there! Not when I would be pressed to marry Lord Kingston. My old governess, Mrs. Stanley, came to my aid. I have done everything I can to be as good a governess to Henry as possible. I have found myself coming to care for him a great deal – and for you.” Her throat constricted but she forced herself to continue. “When Lord Kingston appeared at your house party, I was terribly afraid. It was a great relief when you asked me to make certain that both myself and Henry stayed away from the guests. I have been terrified that he would recognize me but even now, even after this… incident, it seems that he does not.” Lord Addenbrook did not move or speak. His eyes remained closed, but his hand still held hers. He did not pull it away, and she felt his fingers tighten briefly. “I know that I have not been honest with you in this,” Albina whispered, her stomach flooding with butterflies. “But I swear to you that I have always told you the truth in everything else.”

A long, drawn-out sigh came through Lord Addenbrook’s lips.

“I cannot blame you for wanting to remove yourself from Lord Kingston.” His eyes opened but his jaw jutted forward as he spoke to her. “He is a selfish, cruel, and ill-intentioned fellow who has no real regard for you, despite his words to the contrary.”

“Please,” Albina begged, suddenly afraid that Lord Addenbrook might wish to tell Lord Kingston the truth. “Please, do not tell him that I am here.”

Lord Addenbrook’s eyes flared wide.

“I would not do such a thing! But this does change the situation significantly.”

Albina searched his face but could not see what he was thinking.

Perhaps matrimony has never been in his thoughts. Mayhap I have been much too hopeful, much too foolish to think that he might consider marrying me.Her heart dropped low.Then my only hope is to remain as governess.