She trembled, a faint shudder that ran the length of her body. She arched into her fingers and whispered his name into the darkness of the room, as bliss wracked her body and release rolled over her in shattering waves. Lucinda laughed, pressing her face into the pillows. She could not explain the giddy sense of anticipation she felt, and with a huff of irritation, she brushed the silly feelings aside and counted imaginary sheep until she was lulled into deep slumber.

* * *

The soundof joyous laughter in the air tugged Alexander’s attention from the estate’s books. Curiosity shifted through him, and with an annoyed huff he went back to reading the lengthy reports from his estate steward. More laughter and shrieks spilled inside. He tried to suppress his awareness of the sounds, and with an effort, he returned his gaze to his ledgers. Unable to resist anymore, he set it aside and went outside toward the eastern lawns.

This morning his mother sunbathed without an umbrella over her but wearing a ghastly hat with some sort of fruit basket decorating the damn thing. His mother was glaring pointedly at something, and he followed her gaze. Alexander could only stare as the viscountess and his sister chased a piglet across the lawns. They were both laughing, and he noted Lucinda was without boots and only in her stockings. The damn lady was even more of a hellion than his sister. Her cousin Rosamond was standing close by, waving a lace handkerchief, and hollering her support.

He regarded them with considerable misgiving.

“Wherever did you find this creature,” his mother complained. “She is a terrible influence for your sister. Her conduct is not at all proper!”

“I believe that piglet is a Tamworth, I suspect it belongs to Farmer Gregory. I wonder how it got here?” he said, trying to turn his mother’s conversation. The piglet, red and somewhat hirsute was indeed adorable, but he suspected it would be rather odiferous. It was giving the ladies a good run for their trouble and seemed to be having as much fun as they were.

Alexander laughed, unable to explain the pleasure he felt that Lucinda did not fit the mold his mother and society would carve for her. “If you will excuse me mother, I believe I shall join in whatever it is that is happening.”

“Good heavens, Alexander, surely you cannot mean it.” His mother sounded so appalled by the idea, yet she couldn’t help but laugh.

He strolled over at the moment his sister caught the piglet to her chest. The ladies were all disheveled and breathlessly laughing. His sister peered up at the viscountess as if she had found a heroine to admire.

“Lady Darby,” he greeted.

She whirled around, her eyes widening, a rosy flush blooming on her cheeks when their eyes met. “Lord Chisholm…I…”

His sister and Rosamond shared a grin, before they both dipped into curtsies and darted away with the wriggling piglet. Lucinda glared after them and he arched a brow. “Nervous to be alone with me?”

She was looking at him in wary fascination. “No.”

“Then why the blush,” he drawled, feeling a bit pleased with her reaction at seeing him, given his heart had jerked at the first sight of her.

Curiously the red in her cheeks bloomed brighter, and she defiantly lifted a chin. “Not nervous, Alexander, but I am curious about you.”

That bit of forthrightness startled him; however, he smiled. “I find I am curious about you as well, Lucinda.”

She gave a faint, shaky laugh. “It feels pleasant to know that, Alexander.”

“Shall we take a stroll across the lawns?”

He waited, his damn heart thumping in an unusual manner…for a simple walk with this lady.

Her gray eyes gleamed with an emotion he could not identify. She walked toward the lake, a cool breeze ruffling her hair that had come loose from its chignon and curling the skirts of her cerulean blue crepe dress above her ankles.

“I hear congratulations are in order, Lady Darby.”

A sharp intake of breath pierced the air. “I do not perceive your meaning, Lord Chisholm.”

He stopped, staring out at the lake. “Did Lord Raymore not offer for you?”

A small silence lingered, and he turned and glanced at her. The damn woman was smiling, and bloody hell, to see that sweet yet sensual curve of her mouth every muscle knotted in his body with craving.

“He did offer…I refused.”

Alexander masked his expression as relief rushed through him like an avalanche. She was not engaged. “Why did you?” he demanded gruffly.

“I have no interest in remarrying.”

That surprised him, and she must have seen it for she laughed.

“I am a widow, my lord…with my own wealth and unmatched freedom, why would I ever give that up for another cage? Marrying means handing over my monies and property to my husband and then I must get permission from him to spend it how I want or depend on his goodwill for a suitable allowance.”