“This is my sister, Lady Hannah. Hannah this is my friend, Lady Darby.”

The young beauty curtsied, and a dimpled smile curved her cheeks. “I have never met a lady friend of my brother before. You are very beautiful, Lady Darby.”

Before she could reply, two young gentlemen hurried over and they were introduced as the earl’s younger brothers, Lord Oscar and Lord William. She was very aware of the curiosity in their gaze, the force of it palpable in the air. “It is very good to meet you all.”

“Lucinda,” an airy voice called out.

“Please come this way Rosamond,” she called, as her sister appeared in view. “My cousin also accompanied me on this trip to visit my parents. They have a country home here in Derbyshire.”

The youngest brother, Oscar, sucked in a harsh breath when he saw her cousin, a surprising flush climbing his neck. Her cousin had a similar reaction to him, her steps faltering before she blushed and looked away.

Oh, dear.

Swift introductions were made, and the countess called for refreshments and more lawn chairs to be set up.”

“Are we to finish playing cricket,” Hannah said forlornly. “I was having so much fun. Would you like to join us, Lady Darby?”

“I am certain Lady Darby would not want to dirty her dress, Hannah,” William said with a reproving shake of his head. “The viscountess and Miss Rosamond are our guests and—”

“I would love to play cricket, Lord William,” she said with a small wink at Hannah.

The girl’s eyes widened, and she held her breath. “Truly?”

“Of course!” Lucinda toed off her shoes and removed the small hat with its plumed feather from her head.

“Cousin Lucinda is a very daring spirit,” Rosamond said, with a broad smile. “I would be too afraid the ball might hit me.”

She let out a soft little sound of mirth. “Please lead the way, Lady Hannah.”

The girl brightened and Lucinda knew then she’d made the right decision. Almost two hours later, Lucinda was sprawled atop the bed in the guest chamber given to her, thoroughly exhausted.

“Oh Lucinda, he is so very handsome and charming!” Rosamond said, climbing atop the bed to sprawl beside her. “Please say we can accept their invitation and stay for a few days. We need the rest to recover.”

“The carriage wheel shall be fixed tomorrow, and it is best we are on our way—”

“Please, cousin! I cannot explain how I feel when I am speaking with Oscar. He makes me feel…remarkably breathless.”

That soft confession silenced Lucinda and she silently admitted she felt that way from the earl’s stare. Her heart refused to stop its wild thudding whenever she thought of him. And today seeing him with his family, had opened a longing inside her heart to know what type of man he was. And it was for that very reason they should both leave as soon as possible. Lucinda kept that counsel to herself. “Do be careful in your interactions with Lord Oscar, and not allow any liberties, Rosa.”

“I would not!”

At least she sounded properly aghast; however, Lucinda knew her irrepressible character and would have to monitor her cousin closely. Oscar was close in age to her, being one and twenty, and already seemed smitten. Many young lords tended to become smitten upon seeing Rosa, but this was the first time she seemed to reciprocate.

The rest of the evening passed pleasantly, with a wonderful dinner with the earl’s family. They were a lovely lot, and the countess was rather charming despite the probing manner in which she sometimes stared at Lucinda. She and Rosamond had left the family in their drawing room playing charades. Exhaustion had slowly crept upon them, and they had excused themselves from the fun. After taking a long bath, she lay on her bed, staring up at the ceiling in the darkness. Conscious of her nakedness and the languorous ache rolling through her, she groaned and tugged the sheets over her body.

Never before had her body been this needy. Her second husband was close to being gone for five years, and though she had felt lonely for companionship, her body had never felt this acute unfulfillment. How perplexing after one night with the dratted earl, it seemed her sensuality had been awakened and refused to return to its dormant state.

Lucinda ached, but she would not go to that man for him to turn her away with his curious reason about never tupping the same woman twice. She reached beneath the sheets, tenderly gliding her fingers over her belly and down to her curls.

Her heart shuddered and a knot of heat twisted in her belly. She closed her eyes as if that would allow her to block out the desire clawing at her. In all her years, Lucinda had never intimately pleasured herself. Of course, she had read of it and even had some naughty and scintillating discussion with other widows. But she had never been tempted to try.

Painfully aware of her fingers on her mound, she swallowed, flushing with want and a guilty agitation.

What do I have to be guilty about…it is my body.

Delicately, she slid her fingers through her curls, opening the folds of her sex. Lucinda moaned at the spark of heat that kindled low in her belly, and inexplicably her thoughts and senses were filled with Alexander. She couldn’t think, she didn’t want to think, only to feel. He was not there but she tasted him, felt the phantom caress of his fingers as they joined hers in rubbing over her quim, striking her nub with piercing pleasure. Lucinda heard his groan at her ear and felt the strength of his body coming down over hers.
