That, too. He did make her feel loved. But she couldn’t say it out aloud, wasn’t ready to push her feelings that far.
Penny shrugged her thoughts away, refused to over-think the situation and let her body enjoy the moment while it lasted. They swayed, the gentlest of motions, the length of their bodies pressed together as they moved in time to the music.
Suddenly nothing else mattered. Nothing else was important. Except for the slow music keeping their bodies touching giving them an excuse to be so close they could have been one.
She’d never stopped loving Daniel, no matter how much she’d tried to think otherwise.
She’d never stopped wanting this, no matter how much she’d struggled, never stopped wishing they could step back in time and recover what they’d once had.
“And I’m free, free falling,” Daniel murmured against her cheek
She was, too. Falling so hard that she knew she’d never survive the drop if he wasn’t there to catch her.
The song started to fade, the music stopping and being replaced by a louder, more modern song. She wondered what he’d done to convince the band to deviate and play it.
“Is it wrong that I want you to forget serving our country and stay home with me?”
Penny let her eyes slide shut again and pressed her cheek to Daniel’s as he lowered his face.
“No,” she whispered back. “It’s not wrong. It’s just…”
“How I feel about the woman I love.”
Penny swallowed, too afraid to respond. She didn’t want this moment to end. Didn’t want to deal with the realities of what had happened, of what had torn them apart in the first place. Didn’t want to think about what the coming months held.
What she wanted was to enjoynow.
“Spend the night with me, Penny.”
Goose pimples rippled across her skin. She had a feeling he wasn’t talking about sharing a bed and spending the night on opposite sides of the mattress.
“Daniel, I…” She what? She had no idea what she wanted, whether she was ready, but shewantedto. There was no denying that.
“What about Gabby? Your mother…”
“If we’re not home by midnight she’s staying the night anyway.”
Oh, hell.
Could she do this?
Daniel’s hand slid down to her lower back, cupping her firmly, before tipping her back. His lips founds hers, crushing them, tasting her as he dipped her.
All thoughts fled Penny’s brain. All she could think about was the feel of him beneath her fingers, the way his mouth teased so gently across hers. The pull of her mind, body and soul to his.
Daniel pulled away and she pushed her stomach in toward him, anchoring them together. She didn’t need to ask him to know what he was thinking, what he wanted.
“What do you say?” he asked, dimple creasing as he smiled. The gentle, kind look in his eyes reassured her, told her she was safe with him. That she could say no and he wouldn’t push her.
But no wasn’t the answer she wanted to give him.
Daniel didn’t need any further encouragement. He snaked his arm back around her waist and tugged her inside, not pausing this time to ask her if she was sure.
“Where are we going?” she asked.