“Somewhere we can walk to.”

Penny looked down at her feet, then at him. “In these heels?”

Daniel placed a kiss on her cheek as they walked.

“No, not in those shoes.”

He swept her up off her feet, making her feel lighter than a strip of cotton candy. His arms were firm around her, holding her tight to his chest, his grip strong.


Penny laughed. “I think you’d better put me down.” Not that she wanted him to. Not that she wanted to take her head from his chest where it had fallen to rest, or give up the feeling of lightness, of feeling loved. “People are staring.”

He stopped and put her carefully to her feet. “I don’t care what people think, but your skirt’s probably too short for being carried like that.”

Penny’s cheeks flushed as she grabbed at her hemline. “Daniel!”

He shrugged, but the smile caught her off guard and made her laugh all over again.

“Think of this as a trip down memory lane,” he told her, eyes still smiling but his tone more serious. “We spent our first night…”

“At that little hotel a few blocks from here,” she finished for him.

“Yeah.” He bumped his hip into hers as they walked.

“What made you think of all this, Daniel?” she asked.

He stopped walking and caught her face in both of his hands, palms pressed to her cheeks.

“Because this is how we fell in love once, Penny. And I hoped it was how we’d fall in love again.” His words were tender, heartfelt, and she couldn’t ignore the way he was watching her.

Only she didn’t know what to say in response.

But she did know what to do.

Penny stood on tiptoe and let her lips flutter over Daniel’s. Tears prickled behind her eyes, but she denied them access. This was not the time to get emotional. It was time to think of nothing other than how Daniel was making her feel right now.

He took her hand in his and led her down the street.

Penny followed, numb with worry, yet with a tingling in her belly that told her she was doing the right thing.


DANIEL’S body was thrumming with an energy he’d forgotten he could even possess. Penny’s hand in his was soft, her body skimming his as they walked.

He’d wondered if he’d ever feel like this again, and right now it was as if his life was finally back on course again.

“Why don’t you head over to the elevator and I’ll collect the keys.”

He saw a look he presumed was embarrassment cross her face. Daniel pulled her in tight and dropped a kiss on the top of her head.

“I have a room booked,” he told her. “I did it just in case, and I didn’t want you to feel embarrassed about walking in off the street.”

Penny looked relieved. She would have hated to look like they’d just met and were spending the evening together, even to strangers, he knew that.

“Thank you.”

Daniel collected the key card and joined her, letting Penny walk into the elevator ahead of him.