Page 114 of Kiss of Light

The young woman came out of the bathroom and curtsied in their direction.

“The bath is almost full, and the candles are lit. Will that be all?”

“Yes, thank you.” Lemar gave the woman a cursory glance. She left the room, seemingly unfazed by the fact that she was working in a vampire palace.

“I don’t approve,” said Tala stonily.

“I’ll have a word with my father. I’m sure he’ll see the error of his ways and stop employing humans at once.”

Tala picked up a pillow and threw it at him. Laughing, Lemar dodged and caught her in his arms. He nuzzled her neck.

“Go and take your bath. Would you like me to wash your back?”

“Mm. Tempting. But I think you ought to spend some time with your father. You haven’t seen him for decades.”

“I’d rather spend time with you. But you’re right.” Reluctantly, he let her go. “If I recall, there are women’s clothes in one of the cupboards. Help yourself.”

“Women’s clothes? Should I ask why?”

“You should not.”


He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear,

“My past is my past. My future belongs to you.”

“Fair enough. I suppose we both have history.” She gave him a gentle push. “Go. I’ll see you later.”

“The celebrations will be in the Grand Hall. Just follow the music.”

She closed the door behind him and went back into the bathroom. The candles cast a warm glow on the marbled walls and the bath was full to overflowing, She turned the taps off and stripped out of her clothes.

She examined her blood-stained leather trousers and wondered what the options were for dry-cleaning in Palissandra. Surely getting blood out of clothes was one thing they’d doreallywell?

She sank into the bath with a sigh of contentment.

When she’d first been created all those centuries ago, she’d had no use for creature comforts. Shaitun were built to serve in the most adverse of conditions. But when she was freed by Shadeed, she’d chosen to spend much of her time in the human world.

She liked humans. Some were dicks, obviously. And as a species, they had a lot of issues. But she had a soft spot for them because they’d introduced her to three of her favourite things.

Whisky, cheeseburgers, and hot baths.

She wriggled her toes and luxuriated in the feel of perfumed water cleansing her skin.

Forty Eight

“An incredible story.” Vassago steepled his fingers as he examined his son. “The jinn caught you in mid-air? It seems I owe him a debt of gratitude.”

“Just support his claim for the throne. That’s all he asks.”

“Palissandra is not part of Nush’aldaam. We do not interfere in their affairs.”

“But surely it’s to our advantage if we have an ally ruling the neighbouring empire? Shadeed has shown himself to be a friend to us. He’s preferable to Salaq.”

Vassago was non-committal.

“Perhaps. I will think on it.” He changed the subject. “Tell me son. Now that you are home, do you plan to stay in Palissandra?”