Page 115 of Kiss of Light

“Do you want me to?”

“Do Iwantyou to?” Vassago’s eyebrows arched. “Of course! I’m nearly two thousand years old, it’s time I groomed you to take over as ruler. It means everything to me that you’re here.”

He touched Lemar’s hand awkwardly. The contact was only fleeting, but Lemar was surprised by it. His father was uncomfortable showing emotion and usually did his best to avoid it.

“You’re not that old,” he said lightly. “You have centuries left yet.”

“Maybe. But every ruler needs a trusted lieutenant. I’d like it to be you.”

Lemar carefully kept his tone as neutral as Vassago’s.

“I’d be honoured.”

Vassago nodded, satisfied.

“And what of your protector, the shaitun? She seems very… outspoken.”

“Talaisvery outspoken. It’s just her way.”

“Have you fed from her?”

Lemar’s jaw tightened.

“That’s none of your business, father.”

“I only ask because she seemed territorial. Is she just your protector, or something more?”

“She’s…” Lemar faltered. He’d wanted Tala by his side when he told his father about them, but maybe now was the right time. “She’s my fated one.”

Vassago’s expression didn’t change.

“I see. What makes you think that?”

“I don’tthinkit, father. I know. The same way you knew mother wasyourmate, I assume.”

“Your mother was a Vetali. This girl is a demon.”

“I admit its unusual.”

“Not just unusual. Almost impossible.”

Lemar frowned.

“I thought you’d be pleased I’d finally found my true partner.”

“Ifshe’s your true partner, no-one would be happier than I. But I don’t want you to make a mistake. You’re the heir to Palissandra. You can’t afford to make mistakes.”

“Tala is not a mistake,” Lemar said coldly. “She’s perfect. Just talk to her tonight, father. You’ll see.”

Vassago’s pale eyes swept over his son’s face. He forced himself to nod leniently.

“I look forward to getting to know her better. Does she feel the same way?”

“Well…” Did she? She’d said she had feelings for him. Did she love him? “I’m not sure.”

“I see. Will she stay here in Palissandra?”

“I think so.”