Page 29 of Of Wolves and Women

One of the men on stage grins widely at this just as the prince’s mate glowers toward him. Again, he’s unaware of the hostility waft off of her as he moves to the next woman. Hazel. My heart beats against my chest as he leans to stares into her eyes. She’s pale as she does her best to not shrink away from him. Her entire body quivers as he stares at her.

“Another delicate little thing,” he announces. “I’m afraid that she would not last long enough for any of us to find our pleasure from her. Another Unchosen.”

The crowd cheers wildly at this. My shoulders sag in relief. At least she will be spared being broken by the wolves as they seek to mate with her. That is a small relief. I can only hope that she’s still able to survive what lies ahead. I wish I could be there to help her but I know I need to look out for Lyra, for as he moves down the line of us, I note he’s yet to claim any for himself. His eyes seek her out, even as she stares at the ground. He means to claim her as his and I will not allow it.

My eyes move around the courtyard. I’m careful to avoid meeting the gaze of the guards nearest me, though I can feel the warm golden eyes boring through me. They must realize that I’m to be watched. As if that will stop me from finding a way out of here with Lyra at my side. It doesn’t matter if she’s reluctant to leave, I will see to it that she’s not left here to be broken and killed by the prince.

“Five women remain,” the prince announces. “Yet only Everett and Myles require mates. And myself, of course. It seems we shall have another two to add to the Unchosen.”

The crowd roars with excitement at this as the prince moves closer to Lyra. I sense his gaze on her, burning. She tenses but otherwise makes no sign that she’s aware of what is happening. Grinning, the prince stops before Olivia. She drops a polite curtsey to him, something that has the crowd losing it with cruel words and suggestive cries.

“Such manners. She will make an excellent mate for Myles. Perhaps she’ll be able to teach him some before he destroys her.”

She pales but only bows her head prettily. He moves on, reaching the woman on the other side of Lyra. Tasha is tall and gangly, lacking the curves that the rest of us have. This is enough for the prince to sneer at her before claiming she’s not feminine enough to even be considered. She doesn’t seem to mind being Unchosen if the small smile she hides as he moves on is any indication.

“Stunning,” the prince says as he comes to stand before Lyra. “The most beautiful of them all. Delicate and soft, but there’s a fire in her eyes. I find myself eager to see just how passionate she truly is. This one is for me. I believe she will make an excellent vessel for my heirs.”

The crowd lets out a loud cheer at this. Every muscle in my body tenses as I glance about. My eyes land on the prince’s mate. She looks murderous as her cold eyes take in Lyra. In that moment, I’m not sure which is more a threat to my friend, the prince or his wife. Either way, I can’t leave her to face them alone.

Coming to stand before me, I meet the cruel gaze of the prince. His silver eyes slide over my face as his lip’s uptick into a sneer. There’s a challenge in his eyes that I refuse to back down from. I am not like the other women, I will not cower before this man. He is just like every other man I’ve encountered in my life. Lustful and arrogant.

“Unchosen,” he tells me.

I don’t react as he moves to the final woman on my other side. Camila let’s out a small sigh when she realizes that means she’s to be mated with Everett. Chills runs down me as I glance to Lyra. I need to find a way to stay here, I realize. I need to be here for her.



Awave of relief crashes over me. It startles a frown out of me as I struggle to keep my face passive. Sorrow follows quickly after the relief, leaving me feeling a little whiplashed. I do my best to keep my eyes from straying toward the redhead.

She wasn’t Chosen.

The Grey Prince is an even bigger fool than I realized if he didn’t pick her. But I’m thankful for it. Perhaps, she has a chance at survival now. All she has to do is survive the woods. I sneak a quick peek at her. Of all the human women here, I think she’s the most likely to enter the woods and come out alive.

I hate that I’m hopeful that she’ll survive what’s to come. That she can escape this place and leave it all behind. My mind starts to paint me a picture of us crossing paths in the future. One where there’s a chance that I can get to know her. It’s make-believe, at best. Yet, for a moment I let myself lean into it.

Then Heath nudges me and I realize that I’ve been staring at her. I drag my eyes away. Letting my gaze sweep across the packed courtyard. Every wolf around has come out today to cheer on their prince. As though this is normal in the other kingdoms. Violence and blood may be a part of us, but this level of cruelness is something only the Grey Prince could dream up.

At least the other kings and princes have the decency to hide their bloodshed. Not the Grey Prince. I think he enjoys showcasing his bloodlust to his people to remind them that any one of them could be next. It’s just another sign of a weak wolf, in my opinion. A true Wolfen prince wouldn’t need to remind his people of his cruelty. They would already know.

The though threatens to pull me back into my memories, so I fight it. This kingdom, like the rest of them, is built on blood. It matters little who claims to rule over it. I’m simply here to achieve my goals before moving on, I remind myself.

It doesn’t matter how intriguing I find the redheaded woman. There is not a single future in which we could be together. No woman, wolf or human, would willingly choose to align herself with me. A thought I have to remind myself as I feel my gaze slipping back toward the redhead. Heath and Pierce are my only companions, and I am thankful for them.

Even if, somedays, my imagination gets the better of me. And I find myself pulled toward brave redhead woman. All I can hope is that she will survive what is to come.



My heart pounds as I glance around the courtyard. Sneers meet my eyes as the gathered wolves press in. The Unchosen are moved away from the women that were Chosen. Lyra reaches for me, her eyes wide in panic as she realizes this is where we’re separated. I feel as though I’ve failed her.

“Be brave,” I tell her.

A guard I’ve never seen before moves between us and I shuffle toward Hazel. She stares up at me, relief in her eyes. I might have failed Lyra, leaving her alone to face the wolves. But I won’t also fail Hazel. Her shaking hand reaches for me, slipping into mine. I give her a reassuring squeeze as the crowd erupts into chaos around us.

“What happens now?” Hazel whispers, her words nearly impossible to make out over the crowd.