Page 30 of Of Wolves and Women

“I have no idea.”

Ms. Thompson’s words about there being worse things than being Chosen ring through my head. The Chosen are herded onto the stage. I don’t miss the way that the Grey Prince’s mate keeps her distance from the human women. She’s all but glowering from her throne, doing her best to ignore the situation that the rest of us have found ourselves in.

Unlike his mate, the Grey Prince walks with his guards as they herd us through the crowd. I stare over my shoulder, meeting Lyra’s uncertain gaze. She’s pale, her eyes wide with fear, as she tries to keep her shoulders from shaking. My heart breaks seeing her standing up there. Seeing all the Chosen standing there, doing their best to ignore the taunts from the crowd and the men they’ve been given to behind them.

The Grey Prince raises his hands and the crowd parts. I note the two caged carts, exactly like the ones that they brought us here in. Hazel lets out a whimper at my side as she stares at them. Another cheer goes up, with people throwing jeers and taunts in our direction. Slowly, the crowd begins to chant Unchosen. It starts soft, barely a whisper before reaching a deafening volume.

I don’t mean to, but I glance back, and my eyes clash with the Grey Princes. He’s watching me, his lips pulled into a sneer. I stare at him for a moment, refusing to back down. There’s nothing else he can do to me. I’m already Unchosen, destined to an unknown fate that awaits me just past the crowd. But, even heading toward my death, I will not cower to this creature that thinks he’s won this battle. He hasn’t.

“Rose,” Hazel whispers, tugging at my sleeves.

I glance at her, and she shakes her head. Her eyes move around the crowd, which has quieted. Belatedly, I realize that they’ve been watching me stare down at their prince. Good. Let them all know that they may think they own us. But, us humans are tougher than they think. It’s about time they learned that lesson. Even if I’m all too aware that I’m not the human to give that lesson.

With my back straight and my head high, I take another step toward the awaiting cages. For every battle that I’ve won, every struggle I’ve overcome, I hate that this is how my life ends. I’m certain that wherever the wolves are taking us, we won’t be returning. Death is the only thing that will greet us when we reach our destination. Frustration wells in me as I take another step.

My entire life, I’ve been fighting to survive. Managing to stay alive for another day, just because the world seemed ready to cut me down the moment, I found myself on the streets. As I stare ahead, I wish that I had known my parents. Or any of my family. That someone out there would mourn me. It’s such a silly thing to wish as the crowd returns to chanting around me.

A guard pushes my shoulder, causing me to stumble. I shoot him a glare as I straighten my spine. His smile is cold as he stares down at me. Like the Grey Prince, I meet his eyes without glancing away. I will not let the wolves break me. The city and the people living there tried to do that my entire life. I never let them. No matter how hard things got, I refused to back down or to show anything other than stubborn pride. The wolves are no different.

We’ve almost reached the carriages. Tears stream down Hazel and Marie’s faces as they stare up at them. Natalie’s face is stony, her eyes glassy as she stares at her feet, while Tasha’s gaze is wild as she glances around. The guard next to the carriages smirks as he pulls open the metal doors.


The courtyard goes still. Slowly, I turn. The guards are parting behind me, making way for the Grey Prince. He walks leisurely through them, looking perfectly content with himself as his eyes land on me. Again, I force myself to meet his cold silver gaze. Then, reaching us, he pulls his gaze from mine.

He moves around the Unchosen. Stopping to run a hand through Marie’s hand. He pinches Natalie’s cheeks, frowning slightly when she doesn’t react to his touch. I stiffen as he stares at her, cold fury brewing in his eyes. He isn’t used to being so easily ignored. Yet, even under his gaze, she doesn’t look up. I suspect that she’s retreated into herself, her last defense to protect herself from what’s to come.

The Grey Prince raised his hand, bringing it down to meet her cheek. Gasps, then cheers erupted as I burned with anger. But before I could move, a guard had me by the forearm. Still, Natalie barely reacted. She brought a hand to her reddening cheek as a single tear escaped her tear.

“Weak,” the prince growls.

He moved to Hazel then. She whimpers as he reaches a hand toward her. This brings his contentment rushing back to his face. He runs a lazy finger down her cheek. I pull against the guard holding me, but his grip is like iron. The prince moves on, all the while ignoring me. He runs a hand along Tasha’s curves, a wolfish grin devouring his face as the crowd reacts to his touch. She shivers while biting her lip, doing her best to keep her own react off her face.

“Take them away,” he finally says.

The guard shifts me forward, and I’m surprised by how relieved I am to be leaving this courtyard and the prince behind. I watch as Natalie and Marie climb into the carriage. Hazel glances at me, and I do my best to give her a reassuring smile as I step forward.

The Grey Prince steps into my path. I take a step back to avoid touching him as I stare up at him. Silver eyes bear down on me as a slow grin pulls at his lips. My heart races while I fight the urge to glance about desperately. I will not let him see how unsettled he makes me.

“You will stay,” he says.

His grin turns cold and cruel as he moves around me. Hazel lets out a startled cry as the carriage gate is slammed closed. Stunned, I stand frozen in place for a moment, staring at the carriage as it jolts forward.



Aguard steps forward, hauling me back toward the other Chosen. I blink as his fingers dig into the flesh of my arm. My brain is sluggish as I try to figure out what just happened. He all but drags me toward the stage. I’m reunited with Lyra, who fights a smile as she reaches for me. The guard releases me as I collide with her. Arms wrapped around each other; I still can’t figure out why the prince changed his mind about me. Or what it means that I’m no longer Unchosen.

“Prepare the women for the Hunt,” the Grey Prince orders.

A deafening roar erupts from the crowd as the guards lead us away. Lyra squeezes my hand, clinging to it as though it’s her lifeline. I glance over my shoulder as we’re herded back toward the castle, watching as the carriages with the Unchosen rumble away. Part of my heart shatters as I watch the carriage disappear from view. I hate the feeling that I’ll never see Hazel again, that the fate that awaits her is somehow worst than what we face here at the castle. The feeling of failing the women that were named Unchosen tugs at me as I turn back to face the castle.

The dim hallways greet us and I have to squint to watch my step. Outside, the sunlight had washed over everything, painting it more cheerful than it should have been. But back inside, we’re returned to the dimness. I welcome it, letting my eyes wander to the shadows that nearly cloak the halls and swallow most of the doors we pass. Shadows and darkness are what I’m most accustomed to. It means that there’s still a chance that I can get Lyra and myself out of here and away from the wolves before they sink their claws into us.

I shiver as the memory of the prince's cold silver gaze as he announced I was to stay returns to me. There was nothing but cruelty on his face when he said that. Even his eyes shone bright with the promise of pain and suffering. I can’t figure out why he would want me to stay. Why he would go out of his way to tell me I was Unchosen only to change his mind minutes later. It unsettles me that I can’t figure out his reasoning.

Other than that, he knew the best way to toy with me was not to touch me. But to give me the smallest taste of leaving here. It didn’t matter what awaited me as an Unchosen. I could have easily faced it. Escape would have been easier away from the shouting crowd and ever-present guards of the castle.