Page 19 of Giving Up

“You’re stronger than you used to be, and I’m only getting older,” he smiles. The fucker isn’t even going to deny that he used to beat the shit out of me. “Billie?” Bianco insists.

She turns to me, and I can tell she’s about to say that she’ll stay with me, but I cut her off. “It’s fine.”

She only hesitates another second before leaving with Bianco. What a smart little cookie you are, Billie.

The door closes behind them and Sam turns to me, as silent as ever.

“Try to avoid my ribs, they’re already fucked,” I tell him deadpan.

The last thing I expected was for him to gift me with an actual answer.

“Keep your snarky comments to yourself, mate. I’m taking you back to Stoneview,” he tells me in his ugly-ass British accent.

There’s a long silence as I try to process if this is a bad joke or not.


“I’m taking you back to Stoneview,” he repeats with no change in his voice whatsoever. Fuck, how can anyone be so shit at making conversation?

“Care to explain?” D- fucking -uh, Sam. I didn’t ask ‘what’ because I didn’t understand the words you said, I’m confused as fuck here.

He sighs as he walks my way and sits down on the bench Billie was on a minute ago.

“How were your last four fights?” he asks.

I kind of want to punch him in the face for reminding me that I got knocked out in my last few fights. Then again…when do I not want to punch Sam in the face?

“I’m sure you know,” I rumble in response. I sit back on Doc’s bed as I wait for Sam to explain where he’s going with all this. I thought I was meant to get my ass handed to me.

“Yeah,” he confirms. “That’s a lot of knockouts in a short amount of time. I hope you don’t get permanent damage.” He couldn’t sound less honest if he tried. There’s even a slight movement at the corner of his lips. Is that his smile? Is that the best he can do? If you’re going to mock me, at least do it all the way.

He continues talking when he realizes I’m not going to say anything.

“I picked the lads myself—”

“You’re a serious asshole, you know that?” I rage. “I was doing what I was told, wasn’t I? What sort of grudge do you have against me that you feel the need to send your toughest guys on me?”

This time he chuckles, showing he knew exactly what he was doing.

“You were doing a little too well,” he explains. “Bianco would have wanted to keep you here if you kept bringing him money. That’s all he cares about. AndIneed you in Stoneview. Look how fast he comes now that you’re putting a dent in his boxing budget.”

“So you give me a good beating and then what?”

He runs a tattooed hand in his hair. It’s always gelled back, the opposite to mine always in a mess. So stuck up this guy.

“We can pretend the beating happened. The important thing is, I convinced him to bring you back. If you want to, of course.”

I shake my head in disbelief. It can’t be that easy.

“Alright. So where’s the catch?”

“There’s no catch, there are conditions.”

“Sure,” I snort. “Call it what you want.”

“Bianco insists you can’t go back to Stoneview Prep. You’ve got to make yourself useful so he’s putting you in Silver Falls High. He wants eyes on NSC.”

“Fucking great,” I mutter. “Being Bianco’s watchdog for the North Shore Crew. My lifelong dream.”