Page 18 of Giving Up

“Yeah, that tattoo you got on your back. He’s got the same on his hand, doesn’t he?”

I’m about to confirm when it hits me.

“Wait, when did you see Bianco?” I ask.

Billie is some girl from North Shore of Silver Falls. Bianco has never set foot there; he’s not interested in what random white trash is part of his ever-growing organization. He sends Nate for that. She’s never met him before. Or so I thought.

She gives me her brightest smile before answering. “He’s here tonight. I met him just as you were coming into the ring. Dickie introduced me as his best fighter, can you imagine?”

Dickie is our coach, but that’s not the point. My heart drops in my stomach hard enough to make me feel like I ate cement for lunch. Bianco is here on the night I got knocked out like a little bitch in the ring. Could it have been worse?

Billie doesn’t notice my reaction because she keeps going like a fangirl about to meet her favorite boy band. “And he came with that hot guy who’s always with him.”

“Nate is here?” I try to keep my voice as normal as possible but the more Billie talks, the more it starts to shake. I don’t know if it’s anger or fear. Probably a bit of both. It’s a mix of fury and the memory of what used to happen when I lost a fight.

“Nah. Nate’s the guy who picked me up from North Shore, isn’t he? I’m talking about the other one who’s always with him. The hot,hotone.”

I roll my eyes realizing who she’s talking about. What is it with girls close to me liking the asshole?

“The big one,” she happily insists. “He’s like his bodyguard or something. You know? Tall, dark, and handsome with all the tattoos?”

“Sam. His name is Sam, sweetheart. And he’s an enforcer, not a bodyguard.” Bianco’s mellow voice is loud and fills up the entire room, making it feel two times smaller.

Both me and Billie turn to the entrance. Bianco is standing proud in his white suit, Sam behind him like the fucking wall he is. Big, quiet, and useless.

“Hi, Mr. Bianco. We met earlier.” Billie beams as she sees him, painfully reminding me of how unaware she is of the bigger picture, or who I am.

She has no idea what Bianco really is like or the fact that Sam is a number one heartless asshole. Fuck, she probably doesn’t even know Nate is my brother. She’s just glad her little gang now has Bianco’s protection and money. What a fucking mess.

Bianco ignores her hellos. “Do you know what an enforcer is…” He raises an eyebrow.

“Billie. My name’s Billie, sir. And yeah, kinda.”

She blushes as Sam’s gaze hovers over her whole body. He doesn’t react though. Plain, old Sam. I hope Billie doesn’t expect to get something out of him.

I never knew that was what Sam does for Bianco. He’s not one of his ‘kids’ but he’s always beenthere.I always assumed he was just Nate’s personal bitch. His bodyguard or something. Even if my brother doesn’t really need anyone to fight for him, he needs someone to watch his back. Well apparently, he doesn’t need anyone to do that either.

I would be lying if I said I wasn’t surprised at how important Sam actually is to Bianco’s business. He’s a fucking enforcer, that’s why he’s such a lethal bastard.

“An enforcer,” Bianco starts again, “is someone who works closely with me. He does the jobs that need a bit of strength if you see what I mean. If someone keeps making me lose money for example.” His gaze is on me as he finishes his explanation and my own hardens.

I get up from Doc’s bed so I can have more height to myself. I’m in pain but I’ve been worse, and Bianco doesn’t need to know that anyway.

“Billie, how about you and I get to know each other better over a glass of wine?”

“Wine?” she asks in surprise.

“She’s a fucking high school junior, how about you have a drink with someone your age?” I growl.

I can see the confusion in Billie’s eyes but now is not the time to explain that Bianco is much more dangerous than she thinks. She looks at me, silently wondering why I’m being so rude to him but she’s smart enough to know she shouldn’t be asking anything right now.

Billie is the definition of street smart, and she can smell a problem from miles away.

“Well, she can have a soda. I need an excuse to get her out of the room so you can have a little chat with Sam. That’s the fourth fight you lost, Jake. Did you know?”

I don’t even respond. He knows I know.

“You get Sam to have a ‘chat’ with me now? You never had a problem doing it yourself before,” I taunt.