Page 151 of Giving Up

Well she didn’t exactly come in, I found her. And I really wasn’t meant to fall for her.

But fuck she’s got that way about her. She’s strong willed and powerful and yet her heart is begging you to save her. She doesn’t even realize she’s doing it, but she’s subconsciously screaming ‘help me I never recovered from my trauma’. And I guess if there is one thing I know about, that would be trauma.

She pulled at my weaknesses. The ones I wasn’t even aware I had. She dug her way into my heart, found her residence, settled herself, and redid the decoration. Now she lives there rent free.

“Sorry, I’m late,” she huffs as she sits on the bench opposite me. “I had to drop my bike home and wait for a taxi. They’re rare in Stoneview.”

She’s wearing a light pink blouse with a short, black skater skirt and my brain is already running a million scenarios of how I could take her on this table. I bet she’s wearing those lace booty shorts she loves so much. I hope it’s the red ones.

“You wanted to talk,” she says, cutting off an imaginary image of her bent over the table.

“Yeah,” I sigh back. I’ve got a headache and my arm is killing me. I need more painkillers.

All that because Jake decided to suddenly grow a pair of balls and use his new braveness to shoot me out of jealousy rather than to fight back against Bianco. Stupid fucking kid.

Jamie is looking at me with a million questions in her eyes and I know it’s time to admit what I’ve been up to. I just know she’s going to be confused after that. Not that she won’t get it, she’s incredibly smart, but her heart will be torn, and I can’t have that. I need her focused.

“My Stoneview stay is coming to an end,” I admit.

Her brows furrow in that way that would make anyone want to rub their thumb between them to smooth them out.

“What do you mean?” she asks, completely lost.

“I think it’s about time I explain myself, isn’t it? If anyone deserves the truth, it sure is you. Would you like to eat or drink something?” I point at the nachos in front of me. “You were right, these are amazing.”

“Just get to the point, please.”

I’m always smitten with how polite Jamie stays. Even when she’s impatient, or angry or sad. Her elocution and her civility rarely take a fall.

She settles back in her seat and crosses her arms, waiting for me to start.

“As much as this is going to hurt you, I did come to Stoneview to find the twins. And I did use you to spy on them.”

Her jaw clenches but she doesn’t say anything.

“That day Sam found them, he saw you being…well you. Eavesdropping and being a little detective. He saw Jake trying to scare you away, and he told me.”

“Did you come to find me at Church?” she instantly asks.

“I did, yeah.”

She shakes her head, the disappointment so clear in her eyes it actually pinches my heart.

“There’s no need to go over how much I fucked up,” I say. “I wanted to use you to be closer to the twins and I fell in love with you like a fucking rookie. Period.”

Her brows lift in surprise. I guess I had stopped telling her how much I love her. I wish I had just stopped loving her.

“The facts are what they are. I used you, I played myself, and now you hate me.”

“I don’t hate you for what you did to me. Well, I can’t forgive you for that. But I hate you for what you did to the twins.”

A smile pulls at the corner of my lips. “And what did I do to the twins, please tell me.”

I can see the anger rising in her. Angry Jamie is so damn hot. But why does she only get angry for others? It’s for Jake, or for Rose. What about herself?

“You forced them to stay at Bianco’s for your own benefit. You abused them, and when they managed to leave, you dragged them back into a life you know they don’t want. Youstillabuse them. You hit Rose, you beat up Jake. You-”

“I do a lot of things for my own benefit, beautiful. But the way I treated or currently treat my siblings is not part of them.”