Page 152 of Giving Up

“Right,” she scoffs as she rolls her eyes.

“Don’t.” My voice becomes so threatening she straightens herself in her seat. “You don’t get to judge me on how I treat them or the sacrifices I made for them.”

She’s speechless. I use the occasion to let my eyes roam over her whole body and her beautiful face. She is magnificent.

Those beautiful green almond eyes are full of curiosity for life. Desperate for answers about everything that piques her interest. They sparkle with a need to live that she’s not even aware she has.

Her long lashes bring me back memories of every single time she’s sucked my cock and looked up at me.

She knows how to use her cuteness and make the best puppy face to get what she wants, those long black lashes help with that.

And those plump lips…damn I’m just desperate to bite and lick them. To pull them between my teeth until she moans into my mouth.

Jamie is so fuckable. So breakable. She doesn’t understand where Jake’s and my attraction for her comes from.

It comes from the need to control someone so deeply they would do anything for you. It comes from the need to open up to someone and have them stay despite them knowing your darkest secrets. And I don’t want to kill the light inside Jamie, but fuck I want to possess her and never let her go.

But I won’t, because I’m leaving.

“No matter how good of a detective you are, ‘Me, you could never guess the things my siblings and I have been through. And I’m not here to tell you about Jake’s secrets. Because the things he did, that’s between him and his conscience. I just need to tell you my side of the story, so you stop losing sleep over trying to save and fix everyone. Spoiler alert, it’s impossible. Especially not for broken souls like us Whites.”

She readjusts herself and puts her forearms on the table. “Okay,” she nods and looks around. “I’ll have a vanilla milkshake please. Then you talk.”

I smile at her and call over the old waitress. They exchange a few words about her mom and when she’s back with the milkshake I finally lay back against my seat.

“Tell me, Nathan. Why are you so sure you’re the hero of this story?”

I shake my head in a chuckle. “I’m no hero, beautiful. Just some kid who let a grown man threaten and groom him into becoming the one and only person that will be his downfall.”

Fuck, she is so confused it almost makes me want to laugh. If only this all wasn’t so sad.

“Are you saying you will be Bianco’s downfall?”

“Inevitably. The student always surpasses the master.”

“What are you talking about, Nathan?”

“How do you think you destroy a monster, Jamie?”

Her lips part slightly as she sucks in a breath, but she doesn’t reply. So I do it for her. “Why, by becoming one of course.”

I huff. It’s a bit shit to go down memory lane, but I guess I’ll make an exception for Jamie.

“You know, before we went to Bianco’s, Ozy, Jake and I were inseparable. We loved each other so strongly, care workers would never put us in a foster house if they knew we would be separated.” I take a sip of my coffee and settle back against my seat.

“But people rarely want to adopt three kids. We grew older, going from one foster home to another. When Bianco showed up, I was twelve and they were eight. Our chances of all three of us being adopted – especially with me being a teenager and them losing that baby cuteness – were next to none. But Bianco said he would take us in and talked big talks about adopting us when the time was right. So off we went.” I take a moment to let the memories overtake me.

“When did you realize something was wrong?” she encourages me.

“A few months in, when I saw he was collecting kids. A lot of young ones, about the same age as the twins. Jake can tell you more about what happened to them. I was mostly worried about him and Ozy.”

“Is that how you met Sam?”

“Yes, but he wasn’t one of Bianco’s kids. He was always around though. His dad worked for him.”

Sam is my best friend. He’s my brother and I would die before I let anything happen to him. His story is all kinds of fucked up, just not mine to tell.

“Life wasn’t bad at first, but it only lasted a few months. I realized too quickly that Bianco was growing a toxic obsession toward Rose. Back then he was also fascinated with Jake for other reasons.”